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.each not working on an Array. But .isArray returns true?

I have created an object which contains a few items, including one which contains multiple objects each of which contains an array. Here is how it is structured.

$.myVar = {
    cp : "",
    ps : {
        m1 : ["001", "002", "003"],
        m2 : ["002", "004"]

My scripts keep crashing saying that $.myVar.ps["m1"] has no method each.

When I got into Chrome's console to investigate, I run the following and get the displayed output.

["001", "002", "003"]
$.myVar.ps["m1"].each( function (i, p) {alert(i)})
TypeError: Object 001,002,003 has no method 'each'

Also if I run the following, it proves that m1 is an array.


So it seems to agree with m1 is an array, but it refuses to treat it as such. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

like image 526
McB Avatar asked Nov 24 '10 19:11


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2 Answers

each is not a native Array method; it is a method of jQuery objects, i.e. those created by the $ function. You can either do

$($.myVar.ps.m1).each(function (i, el) { /* ... */ });

(not recommended, because it creates an unnecessary jQuery object when it wraps the array in $(...)) or you can just use $.each:

$.each($.myVar.ps.m1, function (i, el) { /* ... */ });

The most recommended route, if you are using a modern browser (IE >=9), or using es5-shim, is to use the standard Array.prototype.forEach method:

$.myVar.ps.m1.forEach(function (el, i) { /* ... */ });

Note the different argument order (IMO better since you can then leave out the index if you don't need it).

like image 73
Domenic Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 13:10


.each is only defined for jQuery objects. For pure Javascript arrays, use the "static method" $.each.

$.each($.myVar.ps["m1"], function(i,p) { alert(i); });
like image 34
kennytm Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 12:10
