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Dynamically creating a query based on params being passed to a controller

In my task management application, users should be able to filter tasks based on : assignedTo, priority, status and/or dueDate

I am not sure on how to create a dynamic query in that it will build a query based on the available parameters.

For example :

If I have a URL such as : task/index?assignedTo=1&status=2

I can build a query based on only these two parameters. The method I am used to is the


I obviously dont want to implement a DRY method by writing out each findAllBy query for every possible URL parameter combination.

Is there a good way to do this in grails?

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andy mccullough Avatar asked Apr 11 '13 11:04

andy mccullough

3 Answers

We have implemented filter functionality on the domain classes to do this. In short you add small snippets of namedQueries to your domain class.


class Employee {

    String firstname
    String lastname
    Integer age

    static constraints = {

    static namedQueries = {
        filteronFirstname { String inFirstname ->
            if (inFirstname&& inFirstname?.size() > 0) {
                ilike 'firstname', "%${inFirstname}%"

        filteronLastname { String inLastname ->
            if (inLastname && inLastname?.size() > 0) {
                ilike 'lastname', "%${inLastname}%"

        filteronAgeOlderThen { String ageOlderThen ->
            if (age && age ?.size() > 0) {
                gt 'age', ageOlderThen as Integer


This enable fine grained filter capabilities so you can build 1 list method that uses all filter methods and depending on what the user gives as input the namedqueries are joined together.

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Marco Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10


I managed to get this working using createCriteria as follows :

I am using the value 0 for any of the params if the user selects 'All' for that particular filter, therefore it will be omitted from the where clause, ie no eq() statement for that parameter.

A snippet of the code:

        def assignedTo = Integer.parseInt(taskParams.assignedTo)
        def priority = Integer.parseInt(taskParams.priority)
        def status = Integer.parseInt(taskParams.status)

        tasks = Task.createCriteria().list {            

            eq("project", Project.get(taskParams.PId))

            if(assignedTo > 0)
                eq("assignedTo", User.get(assignedTo))

            if(priority > 0)
                eq("priority", TaskPriority.get(priority))

            if(status > 0)
                eq("status", TaskStatus.get(status))                
    return tasks
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andy mccullough Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 23:10

andy mccullough

I would consider the Searchable Plugin for this (http://grails.org/plugin/searchable). It is easy to specify which properties of Task should be searchable.

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zoran119 Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10
