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Execute a Quartz Job with a Trigger from a Controller

I can run a cron from a static trigger from within the job folder and it will execute, but when I try to fire a trigger from my controller it just plain fails...What am I missing?

ERROR CODE: No signature of method: static com.example.TaskReminderJob.triggerNow() is applicable for argument types: (java.util.LinkedHashMap) values: [[params:[name:Frank, email:[email protected]]]]

Quartz Job in grails-app/jobs/example

  package com.example
  class TaskReminderJob {
     def reminderMailService 
     static triggers = { }

     def execute(context) {
         def email = context.mergedJobDataMap.get('email')
         def name = context.mergedJobDataMap.get('name')
         reminderMailService.remindMail1(name, email)  //send email via service       


package example

class UserController {
    def quartzScheduler 
    //user is created
    TaskReminderJob.triggerNow([name:"frank",email:"[email protected]"] )
like image 644
Tyler Rafferty Avatar asked Sep 06 '13 02:09

Tyler Rafferty

1 Answers

Correct your package path and then you can trigger your job manually using triggerNow method. And if you need to pass any parameter to it you can pass it like this:


package com.example

class UserController {
     def someAction(){


package com.example

class TaskReminderJob {
    static triggers = {}

    def execute(context) {
        def id = context.mergedJobDataMap.get('id')
like image 74
Alidad Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 08:10
