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Dynamically Adding Vertices to a Line in Three.js



I figured out how to draw a line in threejs, the problem is that I need to dynamically add vertices to the line. When I add vertices to the line dynamically the scene doesn't update.

I've tried geometry.verticesNeedUpdate = true, which doesn't seem to work.

like image 736
K2xL Avatar asked Feb 12 '13 19:02


2 Answers

EDIT: Using BufferGeometry and drawcalls you can now implement equivalent functionality. See Drawing a line with three.js dynamically.

three.js r.71

Dynamically adding vertices to a line is not supported. As stated in the Wiki:

You can only update content of buffers, you cannot resize buffers (this is very costly, basically equivalent to creating new geometry).

You can emulate resizing by pre-allocating a larger buffer and then keeping unneeded vertices collapsed / hidden.

three.js r.55

like image 175
WestLangley Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 20:09


I ran into this a couple of days ago too. As WestLangley said, you can't do true dynamic geometry out of the box, but alteredq has a couple of strategies for 'faking it' and achieving the desired effect at https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/issues/342.

In regards to your comment on the last answer, don't just remove and re-add a new line from the scene each frame - you'll (most likely) incur a massive performance hit. You need to use either the first or second of alteredq's workaround strategies.

In my app I used option 1 like this:

  1. Create a THREE.Geometry object in advance and initialise it with as many vertices as you think you'll need (or otherwise a fairly high number of vertices). (You'll also need to hide them somehow before you want to display them - I set their positions to be off screen.)

  2. Create a THREE.Line object with that geometry and add to the scene.

  3. Now, when you want to add a new point to the line you'll have to index into the geometry object's vertices, find the last unused one in there, and update it - change the coordinates to the real ones, and set geometry.verticesNeedUpdate = true; (otherwise it thinks nothing changed). (See How to do updates on the wiki.)

I'm still ironing out the kinks on my approach, but that should at least let you get a line drawing on screen.

three.js r55

like image 30
chriskilding Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 20:09
