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Dynamic (click) function - Angular2



I am having a little trouble with binding a dynamic function to a click event. Please see below:-

File 1

<title-bar [actions]='[{title: "Create A New Plan", link: "hello"}]' ></title-bar>

File 2

<div class="actions" *ngIf="actions">
    <a *ngFor="let action of actions" class="ui primary button" (click)="[action.link]()">{{action.title}}</a>

All of the code is working perfectly apart from when I am binding the action.link in the (click).

If I create the following button:-

<button (click)="hello()"></button>

It calls the hello() function as it should. but for some reason I am not able to get this to work dynamically.

Does anybody have a simple solution to this I may have over looked?

The function is calling a simple alert just for testing:-

public hello() {

II have attempted to change the click event to the following but with no joy:-


I get the following errors respectively:-

No error, but not function called
inline template:3:2 caused by: ["hello"] is not a function
inline template:3:2 caused by: self.parentView.parentView.context[self.context.$implicit.link] is not a function

Any help with a push in the right direction will be very much appreciated.

like image 988
Tony Hensler Avatar asked Feb 17 '17 12:02

Tony Hensler

2 Answers

In the component you need

get self() { return this; }

and in the template

<a *ngFor="let action of actions" class="ui primary button"


<a *ngFor="let action of actions" class="ui primary button"
like image 192
Günter Zöchbauer Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 06:10

Günter Zöchbauer

I needed to do something similar with ngFor. Accepted answer works but gave me a linting error: 'Call target is not callable'

There's another SO answer from Günter which helped me find a lint-error free solution : Angular2 passing function as component input is not working

My component.ts

this.myLinks = [
    imgSrc: 'assets/a.png,
    clickFunction: this.aFn,
    imgSrc: 'assets/b.png,
    clickFunction: this.bFn,

aFn() {
  console.log('function A');
bFn() {
  console.log('function B');

My template.html

<div *ngFor="let link of myLinks">
like image 41
Chris Newman Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 06:10

Chris Newman