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Dynamic axis indexing of Numpy ndarray




I want to obtain the 2D slice in a given direction of a 3D array where the direction (or the axis from where the slice is going to be extracted) is given by another variable.

Assuming idx the index of the 2D slice in a 3D array, and direction the axis in which obtain that 2D slice, the initial approach would be:

if direction == 0:
    return A[idx, :, :]
elif direction == 1:
    return A[:, idx, :]
    return A[:, :, idx]

I'm pretty sure there must be a way of doing this without doing conditionals, or at least, not in raw python. Does numpy have a shortcut for this?

The better solution I've found so far (for doing it dynamically), relies in the transpose operator:

# for 3 dimensions [0,1,2] and direction == 1 --> [1, 0, 2]
tr = [direction] + range(A.ndim)
del tr[direction+1]

return np.transpose(A, tr)[idx]

But I wonder if there is any better/easier/faster function for this, since for 3D the transpose code almost looks more awful than the 3 if/elif. It generalizes better for ND and the larger the N the more beautiful the code gets in comparison, but for 3D is quite the same.

like image 583
Imanol Luengo Avatar asked Jun 27 '15 23:06

Imanol Luengo

1 Answers

Transpose is cheap (timewise). There are numpy functions that use it to move the operational axis (or axes) to a known location - usually the front or end of the shape list. tensordot is one that comes to mind.

Other functions construct an indexing tuple. They may start with a list or array for ease of manipulation, and then turn it into a tuple for application. For example

I = [slice(None)]*A.ndim
I[axis] = idx

np.apply_along_axis does something like that. It's instructive to look at the code for functions like this.

I imagine the writers of the numpy functions worried most about whether it works robustly, secondly about speed, and lastly whether it looks pretty. You can bury all kinds of ugly code in a function!.

tensordot ends with

at = a.transpose(newaxes_a).reshape(newshape_a)
bt = b.transpose(newaxes_b).reshape(newshape_b)
res = dot(at, bt)
return res.reshape(olda + oldb)

where the previous code calculated newaxes_.. and newshape....

apply_along_axis constructs a (0...,:,0...) index tuple

i = zeros(nd, 'O')
i[axis] = slice(None, None)
i.put(indlist, ind)
like image 118
hpaulj Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 08:09
