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dyld: Library not loaded: @executable_path/../Frameworks/


dyld: Library not loaded: @executable_path/../Frameworks/n.framework/n Referenced from: /Users/hunterp/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices//data/Containers/Bundle/Application//Demo.app/Demo Reason: image not found

I followed every answer in this stackoverflow question: iOS app with framework crashed on device, dyld: Library not loaded, Xcode 6 Beta

AND heres my build settings: enter image description here

like image 401
hunterp Avatar asked Mar 16 '23 02:03


2 Answers

I suspect that there is something else wrong in your build settings as your error message contains extraneous slashes between directories

/Users/hunterp/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices//data/Containers/Bundle/Application//Demo.app/Demo Reason: image not found
                                                      ^^                                  ^^

(which the syntax highlighting nicely points out when I format as code ;))

When searching for the framework, it's possible that when it goes up a directory (with ..) it's parsing one of those //s not as you expect.

I'd check your header, framework and library search paths for entries that contain slashes where they are not needed, especially if they reference $(BUILDDIR)/1 or similar

1. I can't remember the actual environment variables

like image 139
James Webster Avatar answered Mar 23 '23 18:03

James Webster

  1. Try to select executable_path and press Delete enter image description here

  2. Also try the same with Library Search Paths and Header Search Paths

  3. If you have 2 targets try to edit your pod file:

    target :MainTarget, :exclusive => true do
    link_with ['Target1']
      pod 'SomePod'
    target :SecondTarget, :exclusive => true do
    link_with ['Target2']
      pod 'SomePod'

and run in the terminal : pod update

  1. Also set Pods Debug and Release configuration to None enter image description here
like image 39
ChikabuZ Avatar answered Mar 23 '23 18:03
