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AirWatch Browser URL scheme

My company is using AirWatch as an MDM and I need to develop an app on both Android and iOS that acts as a launcher and opens a specific URL inside the AirWatch Browser.

My problem is that I can't find any information on the URL schemes for the AirWatch Browser and I can't get access to any device or documentation on AirWatch yet (right now we're just checking the possibilities).

I saw on the AirWatch website that there is an SDK to integrate with the whole AirWatch MDM but that is not what I want to do. The app just needs to open AirWatch Browser on a choosen URL.

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aout Avatar asked Mar 17 '23 02:03


1 Answers

The URL Scheme for the AirWatch Browser is:


Just enter the URL as you would normally.

Example: http://www.air-watch.com
AirWatch Browser URL Scheme: awb://www.air-watch.com

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james_fuller Avatar answered Mar 28 '23 04:03
