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During export of signed app, eclipse crashes

I have an android application that I exported a signed version perfectly on March 17, 2013. Then on March 19, 2013 I updated the Facebook SDK and Android SDK Manager, then tried to export my a signed version of my app again. First mistake.

Now I've been experiencing one of the two issues ever since and I can't export a new signed version of my app to re-upload the Google Play store.

  1. Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1
  2. or my Android Application Crashes when I'm exporting it.

I've tried numerous solutions I've found on the web and still am experiencing no luck. I even removed and re-installed Eclipse, the ADT, and Facebook SDK. Still, I'm having issues.

Eclipse actually crashes which is really odd. Any ideas?

Update: So, I am no longer getting the "Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1" any more on export of signed app. Eclipse just crashes on export of signed app. Any ideas? I have all the latest software: eclipse, facebook sdk, android sdk, etc. I'm running the latest version of Mac OS X.

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LJWilliamsIV Avatar asked Mar 20 '13 08:03


2 Answers

So here's how I fixed the issue, I'm sure someone will have this issue again. what worked for me was turning off automatic build. Something so small. Thanks for the help!

*Also, the answers above worked for others.

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LJWilliamsIV Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 03:10


I also experienced this one. Try doing project->clean to your project and restart your eclipse workspace.

If it doesn't work read this thread it might help you.

"Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1" -- on export only

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Ariel Magbanua Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 05:10

Ariel Magbanua