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Duplicate declaration of same resource defined in separate classes



I have a class definition which requires the build-essential package:

class erlang($version = '17.3') {

  package { "build-essential": 
    ensure => installed

Another class in a different module also requires the build-essential package:

class icu {

  package { "build-essential": 
    ensure => installed

However, when I try to perform puppet apply, the error I receive is:

Error: Duplicate declaration: Package[build-essential] is already declared in file /vagrant/modules/erlang/manifests/init.pp:18; cannot redeclare at /vagrant/modules/libicu/manifests/init.pp:17 on node vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64.home

I was expecting classes to encapsulate the resources they use but this doesn't seem to be the case? How can I resolve this clash?

like image 771
Chris Snow Avatar asked Oct 05 '14 18:10

Chris Snow

2 Answers

This is common question when dealing with multiple modules.

There's a number of ways of doing this, the best practise is to modularise and allow the installation of build essential as a parameter:

class icu ($manage_buildessential = false){

  if ($manage_buildessential == true) {
   package { "build-essential": 
     ensure => installed

Then, where you want to include your ICU class:

class {'icu':
   manage_buildessential => 'false',

However, for a quick and dirty fix:

if ! defined(Package['build-essential']) {
    package { 'build-essential': ensure => installed }

Or if you have puppetlabs-stdlib module:

like image 194
Peter Souter Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 11:10

Peter Souter

There are multiple ways as the other answers explain but this is another reliable way of doing it if you want to use the same resource multiple times.

Declare once and then realize it multiple times.. For example, Create a new virtual resource like this:

in modules/packages/manifests/init.pp

class packages {
  @package{ 'build-essential':
    ensure => installed

Then, in your both classes, include the below lines to realize the above virtual resource

include packages
realize Package('build-essential')
like image 44
Jayabalan Bala Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 11:10

Jayabalan Bala