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Duplicate class found in modules

I am working on a multi module Android project. One of the modules which was written previously used Paging library version-2, now I am trying to use the new paging v3 library in another module, but I am getting this error.

Duplicate class androidx.paging.LivePagedListKt found in modules jetified-paging-runtime-ktx-2.1.2-runtime.jar (androidx.paging:paging-runtime-ktx:2.1.2) and paging-runtime-3.0.0-alpha03-runtime.jar (androidx.paging:paging-runtime:3.0.0-alpha03)

The module hierarchy is this way:

   /         \
module-A    module-B
(uses v2)   (uses v3)

I have added dependencies of module A and module B in the app module build.gradle like this

implementation project(path: ':module-A')
implementation project(path: ':module-B')

Is there any way we can use different versions of the same library in the same project, provided that the different versions are used in separate modules.

Solutions tried so far:

I looked through similar answers and added this line in app level build.gradle file

configurations {
    runtime.exclude group: 'androidx.paging', module: 'paging-runtime'

but still getting the same error.

like image 312
simarjot singh kalsi Avatar asked Jul 29 '20 15:07

simarjot singh kalsi

1 Answers

The snippet:

configurations {
    runtime.exclude group: 'androidx.paging', module: 'paging-runtime'

would only work if the v2 library was included in the runtime configuration. You should adjust the configuration for whatever configuration you have the v2 library declared in (implementation, api, the deprecated compile, whatever).

You're probably using implementation, so try this snippet:

configurations {
    implementation.exclude group: 'androidx.paging', module: 'paging-runtime-ktx'

with or without -ktx.

Or use this snippet which should work regardless of the configuration you are using:

configurations.all {
    exclude group: 'androidx.paging', module: 'paging-runtime-ktx'

Source: https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/dependency_downgrade_and_exclude.html#sec:excluding-transitive-deps

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Mitchell Skaggs Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 09:10

Mitchell Skaggs