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Flutter app, check daily at x time to see if I need to send local notification to user

I am a little uncertain as to how I could go about doing this task and was hoping for some clarification.

The APP: It reminds people to water their plants and the user can specify how often they wish to do so.

The problem I am facing is how I can go about sending the local notifications to the user. Instead of setting up an individual notification for each new plant they have with a scheduled time to go off. I was hoping I could specify a time of the day (say 8:00 in the morning) where my app runs through all my plants and checks if any require watering today. If they do, it then tells the user through a local notification saying for instance "You have 5 plants to water today" and when they click on it they go through to the app which shows them what plants they are.

  • Should I be using the Alarm Manager api for a daily alert? But can this run a script to check plant data and then send a local notification.
  • Or is it best to just attach an individual local notification to each plant?

Now I am still a novice at Android/Flutter development and just a little unsure what the best practices are for this? Hope I was clear enough in what I said, happy to answer any further questions. Thanks in advance for any help.

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Michael Johnston Avatar asked Dec 18 '19 13:12

Michael Johnston

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1 Answers

I think that this package will help.

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Ruben Martirosyan Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 16:10

Ruben Martirosyan