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Dumping a huge array in Intellij-Idea debugger


Is there a way in Idea to dump the content of a large - very - array of ints into the clipboard ?

'copy value' on an array return nothing.

like image 422
ic3 Avatar asked Nov 05 '15 16:11


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Dumping a huge array in Intellij-Idea debugger. 1 Right click on your array variable. 2 Select "View as->Create..." 3 In the "Java Data Type Renderers" window, create a new entry, set "When rendering a node, use following expression" with Arrays.toString (this). 4 Apply, select your array variable and do Ctrl-C to get the content.

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2 Answers

To get the value in the clipboard using copy value, you need to define a "Java Data Type Renderer" to interpret the content of your array.

  • Right click on your array variable
  • Select "View as->Create..."
  • In the "Java Data Type Renderers" window, create a new entry, set "When rendering a node, use following expression" with Arrays.toString(this).
  • Apply, select your array variable and do Ctrl-C to get the content.
like image 161
Mathieu Schmitt Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 22:10

Mathieu Schmitt

  1. Right click variable
  2. Evaluate expression
  3. Type *nameOfYourArray*.toString()
  4. Click evaluate
  5. Ctrl-C to get content
like image 44
Dodi Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 22:10
