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"Dumb" text completion in Eclipse?



Is there any way to get "dumb" word completion in Eclipse, similar to ctrl+p in Vim?

For example, I often write a function call:

x = getMeAnXPlease();

Then go in to write the definition:

function getMe...

At which point, in Vim, I hit ctrl+p, which will complete the 'getMe' to 'getMeAnXPlease'.

Is there something similar for Eclipse?

Edit: I know that ctrl+space does a context-sensitive completion and ctrl-1 is the magic "fix this line" key... But there are situations where I just want context-insensitive completion... Which seems to be provided by the 'Word Completion' command.

Edit: Next question: is it possible to do context-insensitive line-completion (similar to c-x c-l in Vim)? That is, complete the current line with a similar line:

doSomeThing(1, 2, 3, 4);
doSome <c-x c-l> -- inserts the rest of the 'doSomeThing(1, 2, 3, 4);' line
like image 609
David Wolever Avatar asked May 27 '09 14:05

David Wolever

Video Answer

1 Answers

Ah ha! Found it.

There is a 'word completion' feature which defaults to 'ctrl-.'.

like image 92
David Wolever Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 07:11

David Wolever