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Drop USER (with privileges) IF EXIST in Postgres

I need to conditionally drop a user (if it does not already not exists) in Postgres. DROP USER IF EXIST is fine but according to the documentation, I also need to remove privileges first, however either DROP OWNED or REVOKE seem to have conditional IF EXIST clauses. How Can I conditionally remove privileges from my user?

My database is Postgres v9.6


I am trying to create a set of setup/teardown scripts for Postgres that will create a test area for a bunch of functions. The setup script should:

  • Create a user (if it does not already exist)
  • Create a schema with some tables (if not already exist)

and teardown will:

  • Drop the user (if it exists)
  • Drop the schema (if it exists)

The thing is that the test suite can be interrupted and leave the database/test area in a corrupt state (eg if teardown was never executed) so I have to account for that in my scripts.

According to the documentation for Postgres:

A role cannot be removed if it is still referenced in any database of the cluster; an error will be raised if so. Before dropping the role, you must drop all the objects it owns (or reassign their ownership)

My user has one privilege, namely CONNECT to my test database where my test schema lies. This is because I am planning to login using the test user and execute the tests.

But because there doesn't seem to be any conditional clauses on either DROP OWNED BY or REVOKE, I cant see how that could be done?

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Emil G Avatar asked Nov 29 '16 09:11

Emil G

People also ask

How do I drop a user in PostgreSQL?

How do you delete PostgreSQL users? With the ability now to create users, it is important to also know how to delete a user when their access is no longer needed. Similar to creating a user, there are two ways to delete one. You can use both the command line utility dropuser or the psql command DROP USER .

How do I get rid of grant privileges in PostgreSQL?

Once you have granted privileges, you may need to revoke some or all of these privileges. To do this, you can run a revoke command. You can revoke any combination of SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, TRUNCATE, REFERENCES, TRIGGER, CREATE, or ALL.

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Use the DROP TABLE command to drop the existing table from the database along with data in PostgreSQL Database. Only its owner may destroy a table.

What is Createdb in PostgreSQL?

createdb creates a new PostgreSQL database. Normally, the database user who executes this command becomes the owner of the new database. However, a different owner can be specified via the -O option, if the executing user has appropriate privileges. createdb is a wrapper around the SQL command CREATE DATABASE .

2 Answers

Maybe I am missing some simpler solution, but from the question Detect role in Postgresql dynamically, it seems one solution is to use an anonymous code block:

-- Only revoke if user 'my_user exists'
DO $$DECLARE count int;
SELECT count(*) INTO count FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname = 'my_user';
IF count > 0 THEN

-- No privileges left, now it should be possible to drop
like image 118
Emil G Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 11:10

Emil G

Just to save others from having to work out how to simplify the statement using the link in @codebox's comment:

IF EXISTS (SELECT FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname = 'my_user') THEN
like image 22
dain Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 11:10
