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A lot of "invalid command \N" when I try to restore PostgreSQL dump

I made a backup of a database on my mac and tried to restore it on a computer with ubuntu. When I execute

psql -U uname -d dbname -f ~/dump_from_mac

I have a lot of error messages like "invalid command \N" and "relation 'SomeTable' does not exist". My question is very similar with Can't copy table to another database with pg_dump but I don't know how to fix my dump file. I wipe my mac and can't make new dump.

like image 771
Andrey Avatar asked Aug 03 '15 17:08


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1 Answers

My problem was solved by setting postgresql-contrib package

sudo apt-get install postgresql-contrib

and creating extension uuid-ossp in my db


My db haven't this extension by default and psql could not execute uuid_generate_v1() function from my dump file. In most cases install postgresql-contrib is enough, but sometimes problem may be in some missed extensions too.

like image 80
Andrey Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 23:09
