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Drawing in air with Android phone

I am working on an application to draw in the air with an android phone.

As my phone is moving, thanks to the acceletometer, i retrieve the acceleration on each axis ax, ay, az. What I am interested in is: x,y,z.

From what I read in forums and in some tutorials, integrating the accelaration twice gives huge errors.

So what is the best solution for me to get information on the deplacement of the phone?

Thanks for your help.

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user1068400 Avatar asked Nov 27 '11 22:11


1 Answers

Not exactly what you are looking for:

Store orientation to an array - and compare

Tracking orientation works well. Perhaps you can do something similar with the accelerometer data (without any integration).

As you mentioned in your post, integrating the acceleration twice does not work.


If accuracy is not important at all then the double integral might work for a few seconds but expect very poor results.

However, the gyro mouse is a better choice in my opinion. See between 37:00-38:25 in

Sensor Fusion on Android Devices: A Revolution in Motion Processing.

like image 145
Ali Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 18:10
