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Draw half circle with CSS or SVG

I'm looking for a way to draw the bottom portion of this circle using CSS or SVG. I've seen this answer but it deals with a perfect half circle, whereas I need an extra segment cut off to make it a bit less than half. It's probably not possible with pure CSS but the SVG answer gets complicated for me to modify.

<svg class="pie">
  <circle cx="115" cy="115" r="110"></circle>
  <path d="M115,115 L115,5 A110,110 1 0,1 225,115 z"></path>

enter image description here

like image 592
parliament Avatar asked Dec 29 '14 03:12


People also ask

How do you make a half circle in SVG?

<svg> with <circle> element is used to create the circles based on center point and a radius. We can aslo create a half circle in SVG using the radius value as a percentage. i.e from 0% to 100%.

How do I cut a circle in half CSS?

This can be done purely on CSS making use of borders. Keep note that height has to be half of the width to give the half circle. border-top-left or right-radius is the thing that adds the curve. So adding that extra +10 to it makes up for the space the border(which is set to 10px) creates.

How do you make a half circle in HTML CSS?

A Semi-Circle or a Half-Circle shape can be easily created using HTML and CSS. We will use the border-radius property to draw the desired output. HTML Code: In this section we will create a simple “div” element using the <div> tag.

1 Answers

Why not use two path elements with an arc command?

<svg width="135" height="135">
  <path d="M125,85 a60,60 0 1,0 -115,0" fill="#E79A16" /><!--Top Half-->
  <path d="M10,85 a60,60 0 0,0 115,0" fill="#D78500" /><!--Bottom Half-->

You can separate them easily.

<svg width="135" height="135">
  <path d="M125,80 a60,60 0 1,0 -115,0" fill="#E79A16" /><!--Top Half-->
<svg width="135" height="135">
  <path d="M10,80 a60,60 0 0,0 115,0" fill="#D78500" /><!--Bottom Half-->
<svg width="135" height="135">
  <path d="M10,0 a60,60 0 0,0 115,0" fill="#D78500" /><!--Bottom Half-->

like image 95
Weafs.py Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 10:09
