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Dragula angular how to access the model item

How do I access the exact model item that was dragged and dropped using the drop-model event?

Description of the drop event from the docs:

el was dropped into target before a sibling element, and originally came from source

el seems to return the HTML element that was dragged but I need to perform actions on the actual data item behind it. Any hints?

 <div class="collapse" id="manageUsers">
    <div class='containerDragula' dragula='"bag"' dragula-model='usersInProject'>
        <div ng-repeat='user in usersInProject' ng-bind='user.email'></div>
    <div class='containerDragula' dragula='"bag"' dragula-model='usersNotInProject'>
        <div ng-repeat='user in usersNotInProject' ng-bind='user.email'></div>

$scope.$on('bag.drop-model', function (e, el, target, source) {
    //this returns the html element
like image 591
tinyhamster Avatar asked Jun 05 '16 21:06


1 Answers

I had the same problem and solved it by adding the id of the item to the HTML element.

Something like this:

<div id="{{ user.id }}" ng-repeat='user in usersNotInProject' ng-bind='user.email'></div>

In the controller I look up the item using the id:

$scope.$on('bag.drop-model', function (e, el, target, source) {
    //getById is a function you implement (unless you already have it)
like image 63
mrbang Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 07:10
