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How To Require btn-radio Angular Bootstrap Button?

I'm using a set of bootstrap label buttons as radio buttons (as they state to do in the angular bootstrap documentation here - http://angular-ui.github.io/bootstrap/). They work great. Only question I have is, how to you apply validation to them? How to you require one to be selected? Same goes with checkboxes. Any thoughts on this? I'm sure I'm not the only one to do this. Below is a snippet of the html/angular.

<div class="btn-group">
   <label class="btn btn-primary" ng-model="model.accident.vehicle.occupant.isOwner" btn-radio="'YES'">Yes</label>
   <label class="btn btn-primary" ng-model="model.accident.vehicle.occupant.isOwner" btn-radio="'NO'">No</label>
like image 258
DGSouth Avatar asked Aug 06 '14 21:08


People also ask

What is button group in radio button?

The ButtonGroup takes care of deselecting the previously selected button when the user selects another button in the group. You should generally initialize a group of radio buttons so that one is selected.

What is bootstrap radio button?

Bootstrap 5 Radio component. A Radio Button is a component used to allow a user to make a single choice among a number of options (whereas Checkboxes are used for selecting multiple options).

What is the difference between button and button Group in bootstrap?

“Button Groups” in Bootstrap is a class of name “btn-group” which is used to create series of buttons in groups (without spaces) vertically or horizontally. This is the basic syntax of the button group class where each button has its own class of “btn”.

How do I group radio buttons in HTML?

Defining Radio Group in HTML We can define a group for radio buttons by giving each radio button the same name. As and when the user selects a particular option from this group, other options are deselected. Following is an example of radio buttons with different names within a form.

1 Answers

I had similar issue. I prepared following work around for me to validate 'required' with uncheckable ui bootstrap radio buttons.

  1. give different ng-model to radio buttons
  2. keep one hidden field for actual ngmodel
  3. onchange of radio button update ng-model bind to hidden input field and update the other radio button to null value
  4. keep required validation on hidden field. Field is hidden but mg-message is visible

in controller:

$scope.interacted = function (field) { return $scope.submitted || (field ? field.$dirty : false); };

<form name="my_form"
  class="main-form container"
  ng-cloak class="ng-cloak"

<div class="control-group">
    <div class="col-md-6">
        <div class="btn-group">
            <label class="btn btn-default"
                   ng-change="data.q1 = (data.radioModel1 || null);data.radioModel2=null">No</label>

            <label class="btn btn-default"
                   ng-change="data.q1 = (data.radioModel2 || null);data.radioModel1=null">Yes</label>
        <input class="form-control"
               ng-model-options="{ updateOn: 'blur' }"
               style="display:none" />
        <div class="error-messages" ng-if="interacted(my_form.q1)" ng-messages="my_form.q1.$error">
            <div ng-message="required">Please select answer</div>
            <div ng-messages-include="form-messages"></div>
    <div class="col-md-6">
        {{data.q1 | json}}
        {{my_form.radioModel.$error | json}}
<input class="form-control" type="submit" />

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Pravin Pujari Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 13:10

Pravin Pujari