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Drag the Range of a UI Input Range Slider


<---------[]=====================================[]-------->  0         10                                     90       100 

I need an input range slider with two handles to select a range, and the ability to drag the range (the equals signs in the above diagram). So, in the above example, start=10 and end=90, and it is dragged left by shifting the entire line between the two handles:

<[]=====================================[]------------------>  0                                       80                 100 

Now Start is 0 and End is 80, accomplished without dragging the handles.

What library offers this functionality?

Thank you.

like image 721
Rudiger Avatar asked May 10 '11 19:05


2 Answers


jQuery UI Slider widget extension for a rangeDrag feature. This feature allows the user to drag the entire range at once, rather than having to drag the handles to move the range.



(function( $, undefined ) {  $.widget("ui.dragslider", $.ui.slider, {      options: $.extend({},$.ui.slider.prototype.options,{rangeDrag:false}),      _create: function() {       $.ui.slider.prototype._create.apply(this,arguments);       this._rangeCapture = false;     },      _mouseCapture: function( event ) {        var o = this.options;        if ( o.disabled ) return false;        if(event.target == this.range.get(0) && o.rangeDrag == true && o.range == true) {         this._rangeCapture = true;         this._rangeStart = null;       }       else {         this._rangeCapture = false;       }        $.ui.slider.prototype._mouseCapture.apply(this,arguments);        if(this._rangeCapture == true) {             this.handles.removeClass("ui-state-active").blur();          }        return true;     },      _mouseStop: function( event ) {       this._rangeStart = null;       return $.ui.slider.prototype._mouseStop.apply(this,arguments);     },      _slide: function( event, index, newVal ) {       if(!this._rangeCapture) {          return $.ui.slider.prototype._slide.apply(this,arguments);       }        if(this._rangeStart == null) {         this._rangeStart = newVal;       }        var oldValLeft = this.options.values[0],           oldValRight = this.options.values[1],           slideDist = newVal - this._rangeStart,           newValueLeft = oldValLeft + slideDist,           newValueRight = oldValRight + slideDist,           allowed;        if ( this.options.values && this.options.values.length ) {         if(newValueRight > this._valueMax() && slideDist > 0) {           slideDist -= (newValueRight-this._valueMax());           newValueLeft = oldValLeft + slideDist;           newValueRight = oldValRight + slideDist;         }          if(newValueLeft < this._valueMin()) {           slideDist += (this._valueMin()-newValueLeft);           newValueLeft = oldValLeft + slideDist;           newValueRight = oldValRight + slideDist;         }          if ( slideDist != 0 ) {           newValues = this.values();           newValues[ 0 ] = newValueLeft;           newValues[ 1 ] = newValueRight;            // A slide can be canceled by returning false from the slide callback           allowed = this._trigger( "slide", event, {             handle: this.handles[ index ],             value: slideDist,             values: newValues           } );            if ( allowed !== false ) {             this.values( 0, newValueLeft, true );             this.values( 1, newValueRight, true );           }           this._rangeStart = newVal;         }       }        },       /*     //only for testing purpose     value: function(input) {         console.log("this is working!");         $.ui.slider.prototype.value.apply(this,arguments);     }     */ });  })(jQuery); 





<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.5.1.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-ui-1.8.13.custom.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.ui.slider.custom.js"></script> ... <div id="slider"></div> 


$(function(){ // Slider $('#slider').dragslider({     animate: true,   // Works with animation.     range: true,     // Must have a range to drag.     rangeDrag: true, // Enable range dragging.     values: [30, 70]         }); }); 
like image 63
Gergely Fehérvári Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 02:09

Gergely Fehérvári

noUiSlider offers this feature. You can use it by setting the behaviouroption. It allows for both fixed and user-changeable ranges. There are no dependencies on jQueryUI, and if you prefer Zepto over jQuery: that works too.

enter image description here

Disclosure: I am the plugin author.

like image 43
Lg102 Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 02:09
