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Make google maps plugin black/white or with sepia filter


I'm wondering if it is possible to display Google Maps in black/white or with a sepia filter. Can it be done with some Canvas magic? Or overlaying? Or some other method?

like image 535
Sonne Avatar asked Jul 05 '11 20:07


People also ask

Can you style Google Maps API?

With style options you can customize the presentation of the standard Google map styles, changing the visual display of features like roads, parks, businesses, and other points of interest. As well as changing the style of these features, you can hide features entirely.

How do you change the color of the map on Google Maps?

Changing Map Styles Click on the option labeled Tools and then click on Change map. Once there, click on the button labeled Change feature styles. There are plenty of options for changing the different styles of your markers, which includes changing their color.

How do I change the look of Google Maps?

In the Google Cloud Console, go to the Map Styles page. Select the style you want, and click Customize Style.

1 Answers

Check this fiddle out, I've desaturated all elements to create the black and white effect, for example:

{    "featureType": "road.highway",    "elementType": "geometry",    "stylers": [      { "saturation": -100 },      { "lightness": -8 },      { "gamma": 1.18 }    ]  } 

You can style your maps using this wizard

or using Snazzy Maps which is very user-friendly.

like image 116
Pixelomo Avatar answered Dec 09 '22 23:12
