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dplyr::filter "No tidyselect variables were registered"

I am trying to filter specific rows of my tibble using the dplyr::filter() function.

Here is part of my tibble head(raw.tb):

A tibble: 738 x 4
      geno   ind     X     Y
     <chr> <chr> <int> <int>
 1 san1w16    A1   467   383
 2 san1w16    A1   465   378
 3 san1w16    A1   464   378
 4 san1w16    A1   464   377
 5 san1w16    A1   464   376
 6 san1w16    A1   464   375
 7 san1w16    A1   463   375
 8 san1w16    A1   463   374
 9 san1w16    A1   463   373
10 san1w16    A1   463   372
# ... with 728 more rows

When I ask for: raw.tb %>% dplyr::filter(ind == contains("A"))

I get: Error in filter_impl(.data, quo) : Evaluation error: No tidyselect variables were registered

In my tibble unique(raw.tb$ind) is:

    [1] "A1"  "A10" "A11" "A12" "A2"  "A3"  "A4"  "A5"  "A6"  "A7"  "A8"  "A9"  "B1" 
[14] "B10" "B11" "B12" "B2"  "B3"  "B4"  "B5"  "B6"  "B7"  "B8"  "B9"  "C1"  "C10"
[27] "C11" "C12" "C2"  "C3"  "C4"  "C5"  "C6"  "C7"  "C8"  "C9"  "D1"  "D10" "D11"
[40] "D12" "D2"  "D3"  "D4"  "D5"  "D6"  "D7"  "D8"  "D9"  "E1"  "E10" "E11" "E12"
[53] "E2"  "E3"  "E4"  "E5"  "E6"  "E7"  "E8"  "E9"  "F1"  "F10" "F11" "F12" "F2" 
[66] "F3"  "F4"  "F5"  "F6"  "F7"  "F8"  "F9"  "G1"  "G10" "G11" "G2"  "G3"  "G4" 
[79] "G5"  "G6"  "G7"  "G8"  "G9"  "H1"  "H10" "H11"

And I would like to extract only the rows where raw.tb$ind starts with "A" using the tidyverse language.

(I know how to do that in base R, but my goal here is to use tidyverse).

Thanks a lot for any feedback

like image 961
Al3xEP Avatar asked Feb 04 '18 12:02


1 Answers

The filter expects a logical vector to filter the rows. The select helper (?select_helpers) function contains selects the columns of the dataset based on some pattern. In order to filter the rows, we can either use grepl from base R

raw.tb %>%
   dplyr::filter(grepl("A", ind)) 

or str_detect from stringr (one of the packages in tidyverse

raw.tb %>%
  dplyr::filter(stringr::str_detect(ind, "A"))
like image 113
akrun Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 09:09
