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download XSD with all imports





I use gml (3.1.1) XSDs in XSD for my application. I want to download all gml XSDs in version 3.1.1 in for example zip file. In other words: base xsd is here and I want to download this XSD with all imports in zip file or something like zip file. Is there any application which supports that? I've found this downloader but it doesn't works for me (I think that this application is not supporting relative paths in imports which occurs in gml.xsd 3.1.1). Any ideas?

like image 809
Arek Woźniak Avatar asked Nov 15 '12 09:11

Arek Woźniak

People also ask

Can I generate XSD from WSDL?

xsd using following steps : Create library (optional) > Right Click , New Message Model File > Select SOAP XML > Choose Option 'I already have WSDL for my data' > 'Select file outside workspace' > 'Select the WSDL bindings to Import' (if there are multiple) > Finish. This will give you the . xsd and .

How do I get an XSD file from XML?

With the desired XML document opened in the active editor tab, choose Tools | XML Actions | Generate XSD Schema from XML File on the main menu. The Generate Schema From Instance Document dialog box opens. and select the desired file in the dialog that opens.

2 Answers

QTAssistant's XSR (I am associated with it) has an easy to use function that allows one to automatically import and refactor XSD content as local files from all sorts of sources. In the process it'll update schema location references, etc.

I've made a simple screen capture of the steps involved in achieving a task like this which should demonstrate its usability.

like image 73
Petru Gardea Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 01:11

Petru Gardea

Based on the solution of mschwehl, I made an improved class to achieve the fetch. It suited well with the question. See https://github.com/mfalaize/schema-fetcher

like image 42
mfalaize Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 01:11
