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Download first 1000 images from google search

I do some search to google images


and the result is thousands of photos. I am looking for a shell script that will download the first n images, for example 1000 or 500.

How can I do this ?

I guess I need some advanced regular expressions or something like that. I was trying many things but to no avail, can someone help me please?

like image 945
Lukap Avatar asked Jul 17 '12 14:07


People also ask

How do I download 1000 photos from Google Photos?

https://takeout.google.com/ allows to download all photos or other data.

How do I download all photos from Google to 500?

You can hold down Shift and click further down the page to select multiple photos at once, or hover over a date and click the tick that appears to select all photos and videos from that day. Click on the three dots at the top right and click Download (or press Shift + D). Your download should begin.

How do I download original pictures from Google?

Method 2 of 2: You can search for images at https://images.google.com. Right-click the image. A menu will expand. Click Save Image as.

2 Answers

I dont think you can achieve the entire task using regexes alone. There are 3 parts to this problem-

1.Extract the links of all the images -----> Cant be done with regexes. You need to use a web based language for this. Google has APIs to do this programatically. Check out here and here.

2.Assuming you succeeded in the first step with some web based language, you can use the following regex which uses lookaheads to extract the exact image URL


The above regex says - Grab everything starting after imgurl= and till you encounter the & symbol. See here for an example, where I took the URL of the first image of your search result and extracted the image URL.

How did I arrive at the above regex? By examining the links of the images found in the image search.

3.Now that you've got the image URLs, use some web based language/tool to download your images.

like image 42
Pavan Manjunath Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 18:09

Pavan Manjunath

update 4: PhantomJS is now obsolete, I made a new script google-images.py in Python using Selenium and Chrome headless. See here for more details: https://stackoverflow.com/a/61982397/218294

update 3: I fixed the script to work with phantomjs 2.x.

update 2: I modified the script to use phantomjs. It's harder to install, but at least it works again. http://sam.nipl.net/b/google-images http://sam.nipl.net/b/google-images.js

update 1: Unfortunately this no longer works. It seems Javascript and other magic is now required to find where the images are located. Here is a version of the script for yahoo image search: http://sam.nipl.net/code/nipl-tools/bin/yimg

original answer: I hacked something together for this. I normally write smaller tools and use them together, but you asked for one shell script, not three dozen. This is deliberately dense code.


It seems to work very well so far. Please let me know if you can improve it, or suggest any better coding techniques (given that it's a shell script).

[ $# = 0 ] && { prog=`basename "$0"`;
echo >&2 "usage: $prog query count parallel safe opts timeout tries agent1 agent2
e.g. : $prog ostrich
       $prog nipl 100 20 on isz:l,itp:clipart 5 10"; exit 2; }
query=$1 count=${2:-20} parallel=${3:-10} safe=$4 opts=$5 timeout=${6:-10} tries=${7:-2}
agent1=${8:-Mozilla/5.0} agent2=${9:-Googlebot-Image/1.0}
query_esc=`perl -e 'use URI::Escape; print uri_escape($ARGV[0]);' "$query"`
dir=`echo "$query_esc" | sed 's/%20/-/g'`; mkdir "$dir" || exit 2; cd "$dir"
url="http://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&safe=$safe&tbs=$opts&q=$query_esc" procs=0
echo >.URL "$url" ; for A; do echo >>.args "$A"; done
htmlsplit() { tr '\n\r \t' ' ' | sed 's/</\n</g; s/>/>\n/g; s/\n *\n/\n/g; s/^ *\n//; s/ $//;'; }
for start in `seq 0 20 $[$count-1]`; do
wget -U"$agent1" -T"$timeout" --tries="$tries" -O- "$url&start=$start" | htmlsplit
done | perl -ne 'use HTML::Entities; /^<a .*?href="(.*?)"/ and print decode_entities($1), "\n";' | grep '/imgres?' |
perl -ne 'use URI::Escape; ($img, $ref) = map { uri_unescape($_) } /imgurl=(.*?)&imgrefurl=(.*?)&/;
$ext = $img; for ($ext) { s,.*[/.],,; s/[^a-z0-9].*//i; $_ ||= "img"; }
$save = sprintf("%04d.$ext", ++$i); print join("\t", $save, $img, $ref), "\n";' |
tee -a .images.tsv |
while IFS=$'\t' read -r save img ref; do
wget -U"$agent2" -T"$timeout" --tries="$tries" --referer="$ref" -O "$save" "$img" || rm "$save" &
procs=$[$procs + 1]; [ $procs = $parallel ] && { wait; procs=0; }
done ; wait


  • under 1500 bytes
  • explains usage, if run with no args
  • downloads full images in parallel
  • safe search option
  • image size, type, etc. opts string
  • timeout / retries options
  • impersonates googlebot to fetch all images
  • numbers image files
  • saves metadata

I'll post a modular version some time, to show that it can be done quite nicely with a set of shell scripts and simple tools.

like image 182
Sam Watkins Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 18:09

Sam Watkins