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Double loop takes time

I have a script which takes a lot of time and can't finish so far after 2 days... I parsed 1 file into 2 dictionaries as the following:

gfftree = {'chr1':[(gene_id, gstart, gend),...], 'chr2':[(gene_id, gstart, gend),...],...}
TElocation = {'chr1':[(TE_id, TEstart, TEend),...], 'chr2':[(TE_id, TEstart, TEend),...],...}


--The aim is to find TE_id whose TEstart or TEend or both are located between gene_id' gstart and gend in each chr(key).

The above should be changed to "find TE_id whose range(TEstart, TEend) overlaps with any gene_id's range(gstart,gend)"

Here is my code:

TE_in_TSS = []
for TErange in TElocation[chromosome]:
    TE_id, TEstart, TEend = TErange
    for item in gfftree[chromosome]:
        gene, gstart, gend = item       
        if len(list(set(range(int(gstart),int(gend)+1)) & set(range(int(TEstart),int(TEend)+1)))) > 0:
            TE_in_TSS.append((gene, TE_id, TEstart, TEend))

So far I'm sure this loop is fine with small data, but when it comes to bigger one like 800,000 TE_id and 4,000 gene_id, it takes time...and I don't know if it could finish...

like image 271
Fei-man Hsu Avatar asked Sep 21 '16 00:09

Fei-man Hsu

2 Answers

The OP approach is O(n*m), where n is the number of genes and m is the number of TEs. Rather than test each gene against each TE as in the OP, this approach leverages the ordered nature of the genes and TEs, and the specified rules of matching, to look at each gene and TE only once, except for the gene look-ahead described in 3. below. This approach is O(n + m) provided that the average gene look-ahead is small relative to n. The sequence in which each gene and TE is visited is described by:

  1. After we finish testing the current TE against the current gene, we get the next TE.
  2. When the current TE's start position is past the current gene's end position, we get the next gene until it's not.
  3. If we find a matching TE/gene pair, we test each successive gene against the current TE until there is no match, leaving the current gene unchanged.

def get_TE_in_TSS(genes, TEs):
    TE_in_TSS = []
    gene_pos, TE_pos = 0, 0
    gene_count, TE_count = len(genes), len(TEs)
    while gene_pos < gene_count:
        while (TE_pos < TE_count) and (TEs[TE_pos][1] <= genes[gene_pos][2]):
            match_gene_pos = gene_pos
            while (match_gene_pos < gene_count) and (TEs[TE_pos][2] >= genes[match_gene_pos][1]):
                TE_in_TSS.append((genes[match_gene_pos][0], TEs[TE_pos][0],
                                  TEs[TE_pos][1], TEs[TE_pos][2]))
                match_gene_pos += 1 # look ahead to see if this TE matches the next gene
            TE_pos += 1
        gene_pos += 1
    return TE_in_TSS

performance, as reported by OP:

1 second (compared to 2 days + for OP code) for 801,948 TEs, 6,007 genes

test data:

genes = (('HTR3A', 7, 9), ('ADAMTSL4', 10,100), ('THSD4',2000, 2800), ('PAPLN', 2850, 3000))
TEs = (('a', 10, 11), ('b', 13, 17), ('c', 50, 2500), ('d', 2550, 2700),
       ('e', 2800, 2900), ('f', 9999, 9999)) 
TE_in_TSS = get_TE_in_TSS(genes, TEs)


[('ADAMTSL4', 'a', 10, 11), ('ADAMTSL4', 'b', 13, 17), ('ADAMTSL4', 'c', 50, 2500), 
 ('THSD4', 'c', 50, 2500), ('THSD4', 'd', 2550, 2700), ('THSD4', 'e', 2800, 2900), 
 ('PAPLN', 'e', 2800, 2900)]

Note that the first 9 comments on this post refer to a more efficient O(n * m) approach that became outdated by clarified specs.

like image 56
Craig Burgler Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 12:09

Craig Burgler

Here is a solution using multi-threading, comparing code used for nested loop methods.

I created two csv's, one with 8k rows and one 800 rows of (int, float1,float2) random generated numbers and import as below:

import time
import itertools 

start = time.time()

def f((TE_id, TEstart, TEend)):
    for gene, gstart, gend in gfftree['chr1']:
        if (gstart <= TEstart <=gend) or (gstart<=TEend <=gend):
    return a

TEinTSS = []
for TE_id, TEstart, TEend in TElocation['chr1']:
    for gene, gstart, gend in gfftree['chr1']:
        if (gstart <= TEstart <=gend) or (gstart<=TEend <=gend):
print len(TEinTSS)
print time.time()-start

TEinTSS = []
for things in TElocation['chr1']:
print len(TEinTSS)
print time.time()-start

#fastest (especially with multi-core, multithreading)
from multiprocessing import Pool

if __name__ == '__main__':
    TEinTSS = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(p.imap_unordered(f, b)))   
    print len(TEinTSS)
    print time.time() - start
like image 29
EoinS Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09
