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double click to open an ipython notebook

Related posts: Open an ipython notebook via double-click on osx

How can I open Ipython notebook from double click? I always cd to the directory of the notebook, then type ipython notebook in the browser and then open it in the browser. This steps is very inconvenient.

In windows, I remembered that I can change the directory in the browser, but in linux there is no way to explore to other directory via browser, if I want to open a new book in another directory, I have to restart another kernel as above, which annoys me.

Is there any simple and verified way to do this?

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an offer can't refuse Avatar asked Jun 20 '15 11:06

an offer can't refuse

People also ask

How do I open Ipython notebooks?

Windows File Explorer + Command Prompt Once you've entered your specific folder with Windows Explorer, you can simply press ALT + D, type in cmd and press Enter. You can then type jupyter notebook to launch Jupyter Notebook within that specific folder.

How do you open a clicking Jupyter Notebook?

Right click any ipynb file and select "Open with > Other" and select the nb_open in the Applications folder. Don't forget to check "Always Open With". Select an ipynb file, get info ( command + i ) > Open With (select nb_open if not selected already) > Click Change All... . Done.

What is the shortcut to run a notebook in Jupyter?

Shortcuts in both modes: Shift + Enter run the current cell, select below. Ctrl + Enter run selected cells.

1 Answers

You can use a project like nbopen that handle that and will open the browser on the right notebook + start an IPython server if one is not yet running.

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Matt Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 12:10
