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Double ampersand selector in SASS




I'm trying to port a component from less to sass. I have this configuration in less:

.datepicker {

    &&-rtl {


which of course is giving me an error in compiling with SASS.

What I would like to have is this css:

.datepicker {

.datepicker.datepicker-rtl {


I have 3.3.3 version of SASS.

Is there any good alternative to this syntax? I've looked ad the documentation but couldn't find a solution.

Thank you so much.

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Edoardoo Avatar asked Mar 18 '14 10:03


People also ask

What is ampersand in CSS selector?

The & comes in handy when you're nesting and you want to create a more specific selector, like an element that has *both* of two classes, like this: .some-class.another-class { } You can do this while nesting by using the & . .some-class { &.another-class {} } The & always refers to the parent selector when nesting.

What is &__ in SCSS?

The & is a special selector invented by SCSS which is used in nested selectors to refer to the outer selector . It simply means that it will be replaced with the outer selector when compiling to CSS.

How do I select a child element in SCSS?

Approach regarding the question: First defined the content in a . html file. In the HTML file in your content make sure that you are placing child tags or having child tags inside a parent tag. Once you are done with the HTML tag then use ” & ” and ” > ” in the SCSS file to style the direct children.

1 Answers

A simple solution is just repeating the datepicker class

.datepicker {
    /* your properties here, e.g. */
    width: 100%;

    &.datepicker-rtl {
        /* your properties here, e.g. */
        width: 100%;

otherwise you may assign a variable with the class name, like so

$dp : datepicker;

.#{$dp} {
    /* your properties here, e.g. */
    width: 100%;

    &.#{$dp}-rtl {
        /* your properties here, e.g. */
        width: 100%;

You can test this syntax here: http://sassmeister.com/

like image 111
Fabrizio Calderan Avatar answered Jan 01 '23 07:01

Fabrizio Calderan