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CSS how to position an element in a middle (half height / vertical 50%) of another element

I'm looking forward to build a tooltip which is positioned next to the element, but in a middle of it. It's easy to put it over and under and position it in the horizontal center of an element. But is there a way to do so vertically (on the right or left side of an element, vertically positioned in a middle of that element height)?

For my purpose, height of the element is fixed (known) & height of tooltip is not, because it can contain various text content. And a tooltip can be a child of element.

However, I'm also curious about, how to do it when both heights are not fixed (unknown and can vary depending on content). By heights I understand element's and tooltip's height. Width can be known and fixed.

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elon Avatar asked Feb 18 '13 16:02


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1 Answers

This is pretty late but I tried to make an example on codepen which shows a working example if I understood your question correctly.


Use CSS transform.

For example, transform:translateX(-50%);, will move an element left by 50% of ITSELF. Now you can align it to the parent with position and bottom or top or left or right and then move it by the dimensions of itself.

Hope this helps!

like image 191
Anthony Graglia Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 14:09

Anthony Graglia