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DOM tree traversal




I recently interviewed for a frontend engineer position at Facebook. For my phone screen I was the following question: Given a node from a DOM tree find the node in the same position from an identical DOM tree. See diagram below for clarity.

 A         B   O        O  |\       |\  O O      O O   /|\      /|\  O O O    O O O       \        \        O        O 

Here was my solution, I was wondering what I could have done to improve/optimize it.

var rootA, rootB;  function findNodeB(nodeA) {     // Variable to store path up the DOM tree     var travelPath = [];      // Method to travel up the DOM tree and store path to exact node     var establishPath = function(travelNode) {         // If we have reached the top level node we want to return         // otherwise we travel up another level on the tree         if (travelNode === rootA) {             return;         } else {             establishPath(travelNode.parentNode);         }          // We store the index of current child in our path         var index = travelNode.parentNode.childNodes.indexOf(travelNode);         travelPath.push(index);          }      var traverseTree = function(bTreeNode, path) {         if(path.length === 0) {             return bTreeNode;         } else {             traverseTree(bTreeNode.childNodes[path.pop()], path);         }     }      establishPath(rootB, nodeA);      return traverseTree(rootB, travelPath); }            
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thedjpetersen Avatar asked Nov 04 '13 23:11


People also ask

What is DOM tree traversal?

The Document Object Model (DOM) is a standard convention for accessing and manipulating elements within HTML and XML documents. Elements in the DOM are organized into a tree-like data structure that can be traversed to navigate, locate, or modify elements and/or content within an XML/HTML document.

What is DOM tree structure?

The Document Object Model (DOM) is a cross-platform and language-independent interface that treats an XML or HTML document as a tree structure wherein each node is an object representing a part of the document. The DOM represents a document with a logical tree.

What is a traversal JavaScript?

In Computer Science, tree traversal (also known as tree search and walking the tree) is a form of graph traversal and refers to the process of visiting (checking and/or updating) each node in a tree data structure, exactly once. Such traversals are classified by the order in which the nodes are visited.

1 Answers

Since at least Axel showed interest in an iterative solution, here it is:

Given two trees which have identical structure, and a specified node within the first tree, locate the node in the second tree with the same position within the structure.

If we have no other information about the two trees then the position of each node can be characterized as a path from the root node where each step in the path is specified as an index into the childNode array.

function indexOf(arrLike, target) {     return Array.prototype.indexOf.call(arrLike, target); }  // Given a node and a tree, extract the nodes path  function getPath(root, target) {     var current = target;     var path = [];     while(current !== root) {         path.unshift(indexOf(current.parentNode.childNodes, current));         current = current.parentNode;     }     return path; }  // Given a tree and a path, let's locate a node function locateNodeFromPath(root, path) {     var current = root;     for(var i = 0, len = path.length; i < len; i++) {         current = current.childNodes[path[i]];     }     return current; }  function getDoppleganger(rootA, rootB, target) {     return locateNodeFromPath(rootB, getPath(rootA, target)); } 

EDIT: As Blue Skies observed, childNodes doesn't have .indexOf(). Updating with Array.prototype.indexOf.call()

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Mike Edwards Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 06:10

Mike Edwards