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Dojo : Inheriting/Extending templated widgets : How to?

I've created a templated base widget called "Dialog", which I want to use as a core layout widget for all the other within the package. It's a simple container with couple of attach points. (I've not included HTML as it's quite straightforward)

"dojo/text!./Dialog.html"], function(declare, _WidgetBase, _TemplatedMixin, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin, ready, parser, template){

return declare([_WidgetBase, _TemplatedMixin, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin], {

    templateString: template,
    widgetsInTemplate: true,

    title: 'Dialog',        
    content: null,

    constructor: function(args){

    postCreate: function(){

    /// Getters / Setters

    _setTitleAttr: function(title){

    _setContentAttr: function(content){
        this._contentPane.innerHTML = content;


Then I want to create another templated dialog that will inherit from this one, and will basically extend it in terms of kind-of-injecting the template into the content of the my/Dialog

"my/Dialog"], function(declare, _WidgetBase, _TemplatedMixin, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin, ready, parser, Dialog){

return declare([Dialog, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin], {

    //templateString: template,

   template: '<div data-dojo-attach-point="bookmarkpoint">something</div>',

    widgetsInTemplate: true,
    content: template, // This works but doesn't parse the widgets within
    title: 'Bookmarks',

    constructor: function(args){

    postCreate: function(){ 



The problem I'm facing is that the attach point called bookmarkpoint is not accessible for the BookmarkDialog

So the question is: How do I get the BookmarkDialog template get parsed and placed in the Dialog widget?


  1. Copy the template of the Dialog widget in to BookmarkWidget is not really an option,
  2. Instantiate the Dialog in the BookmarkWidget template is not much of an option either, as I don't want the Dialog to be under an attach point. I'd have to wrap all the methods of Dialog into BookmarkDialog to propagate correctly.

Please note that I'm also firing the .startup() upon instantiating the widget. Thanks

like image 702
belzebu Avatar asked Jun 24 '13 00:06


1 Answers

Use buildRendering method, which is designed for this purpose. In this method you can parse templateString property, modify it and then reassign it.

buildRendering: function () {
    // Parse template string into xml document using "dojox/xml/parser"
    var xml = xmlParser.parse(this.templateString);
    var xmlDoc = xml.documentElement;

        // Find target node which should be modified
        var targetNode = query("div[data-dojo-attach-point='targetNode']", xmlDoc)[0];

    // Create new template content using createElement, createAttribute,  
        // setAttributeNode
        var newNode = xml.createElement("button");

    // Append content to the xml template

    // Re-set the modified template string
    this.templateString = xmlParser.innerXML(xmlDoc);

like image 153
xxxmatko Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 03:09
