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Doing many iterations of curve_fit in one go for piecewise function

I'm trying to perform what are many iterations of Scipy's curve_fit at once in order to avoid loops and therefore increase speed.

This is very similar to this problem, which was solved. However, the fact that the functions are piece-wise (discontinuous) makes so that that solution isn't applicable here.

Consider this example:

import numpy as np
from numpy import random as rng
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
Y = np.zeros((4, N))
for i in range(0,4):
    b = i+1
    a = b
    Y[i] = (X/b)**(-a) #+ 0.01 * rng.randn(6)
    Y[i, X>b] = 1

This yields these arrays:

enter image description here

Which as you can see are discontinuous at X==b. I can retrieve the original values of a and b by using curve_fit iteratively:

def plaw(r, a, b):
    """ Theoretical power law for the shape of the normalized conditional density """
    import numpy as np
    return np.piecewise(r, [r < b, r >= b], [lambda x: (x/b)**-a, lambda x: 1])

for ix in range(Y.shape[0]):
    c0, pcov = curve_fit(plaw, X, Y[ix])

But this process can be very slow depending of the size of X, Y and the loop, so I'm trying to speed things up by trying to get coeffs without the need for a loop. So far I haven't had any luck.

Things that might be important:

  • X and Y only contain positive values
  • a and b are always positive
  • Although the data to fit in this example is smooth (for the sake of simplicity), the real data has noise


This is as far as I've gotten:

y=np.ma.masked_where(Y<1.01, Y)

lX = np.log(X)
lY = np.log(y)
A = np.vstack([lX, np.ones(len(lX))]).T
m,c=np.linalg.lstsq(A, lY.T)[0]


But even without any noise the output is:

a= [0.18978965578339158 1.1353633705997466 2.220234483915197 3.3324502660995714]
b= [339.4090881838179 7.95073481873057 6.296592007396107 6.402567167503574]

Which is way worse than I was hoping to get.

like image 797
TomCho Avatar asked Jul 06 '17 19:07


2 Answers

Here are three approaches to speeding this up. You gave no desired speed up or accuracies, or even vector sizes, so buyer beware.



len       1      2      3      4
1000    0.045  0.033  0.025  0.022
10000   0.290  0.097  0.029  0.023
100000  3.429  0.767  0.083  0.030
1000000               0.546  0.046

1) Original Method
2) Pre-estimate with Subset
3) M Newville [linear log-log estimate](https://stackoverflow.com/a/44975066/7311767)
4) Subset Estimate (Use Less Data)

Pre-estimate with Subset (Method 2):

A decent speedup can be achieved by simply running the curve_fit twice, where the first time uses a short subset of the data to get a quick estimate. That estimate is then used to seed a curve_fit with the entire dataset.

x, y = current_data
stride = int(max(1, len(x) / 200))
c0 = curve_fit(power_law, x[0:len(x):stride], y[0:len(y):stride])[0]
return curve_fit(power_law, x, y, p0=c0)[0]

M Newville linear log-log estimate (Method 3):

Using the log estimate proposed by M Newville, is also considerably faster. As the OP was concerned about the initial estimate method proposed by Newville, this method uses curve_fit with a subset to provide the estimate of the break point in the curve.

x, y = current_data
stride = int(max(1, len(x) / 200))
c0 = curve_fit(power_law, x[0:len(x):stride], y[0:len(y):stride])[0]

index_max = np.where(x > c0[1])[0][0]
log_x = np.log(x[:index_max])
log_y = np.log(y[:index_max])
result = linregress(log_x, log_y)
return -result[0], np.exp(-result[1] / result[0])
return (m, c), result

Use Less Data (Method 4):

Finally the seed mechanism used for the previous two methods provides pretty good estimates on the sample data. Of course it is sample data so your mileage may vary.

stride = int(max(1, len(x) / 200))
c0 = curve_fit(power_law, x[0:len(x):stride], y[0:len(y):stride])[0]

Test Code:

import numpy as np
from numpy import random as rng
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy.stats import linregress

fit_data = {}
current_data = None

def data_for_fit(a, b, n):
    key = a, b, n
    if key not in fit_data:
        x = np.logspace(-1, 1, n)
        y = np.clip((x / b) ** (-a) + 0.01 * rng.randn(n), 0.001, None)
        y[x > b] = 1
        fit_data[key] = x, y
    return fit_data[key]

def power_law(r, a, b):
    """ Power law for the shape of the normalized conditional density """
    import numpy as np
    return np.piecewise(
        r, [r < b, r >= b], [lambda x: (x/b)**-a, lambda x: 1])

def method1():
    x, y = current_data
    return curve_fit(power_law, x, y)[0]

def method2():
    x, y = current_data
    return curve_fit(power_law, x, y, p0=method4()[0])

def method3():
    x, y = current_data
    c0, pcov = method4()

    index_max = np.where(x > c0[1])[0][0]
    log_x = np.log(x[:index_max])
    log_y = np.log(y[:index_max])
    result = linregress(log_x, log_y)
    m, c = -result[0], np.exp(-result[1] / result[0])
    return (m, c), result

def method4():
    x, y = current_data
    stride = int(max(1, len(x) / 200))
    return curve_fit(power_law, x[0:len(x):stride], y[0:len(y):stride])

from timeit import timeit

def runit(stmt):
    print("%s: %.3f  %s" % (
        stmt, timeit(stmt + '()', number=10,
                     setup='from __main__ import ' + stmt),
        eval(stmt + '()')[0]

def runit_size(size):

    print('Length: %d' % size)
    if size <= 100000:

for i in (1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000):
    current_data = data_for_fit(3, 3, i)
like image 188
Stephen Rauch Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09

Stephen Rauch

Two suggestions:

  1. Use numpy.where (and possibly argmin) to find the X value at which the Y data becomes 1, or perhaps just slightly larger than 1, and truncate the data to that point -- effectively ignoring the data where Y=1.

That might be something like:

index_max = numpy.where(y < 1.2)[0][0]
x = y[:index_max]
y = y[:index_max]
  1. Use the hint shown in your log-log plot that the power law is now linear in log-log. You don't need curve_fit, but can use scipy.stats.linregress on log(Y) vs log(Y). For your real work, that will at the very least give good starting values for a subsequent fit.

Following up on this and trying to follow your question, you might try something like:

import numpy as np 
from scipy.stats import linregress

npts = 51 
x = np.logspace(-2, 2, npts)
YTHRESH = 1.02

for i in range(5):
    b = i + 1.0 + np.random.normal(scale=0.1)
    a = b + np.random.random()
    y = (x/b)**(-a) + np.random.normal(scale=0.0030, size=npts)
    y[x>b] = 1.0

    # to model exponential decay, first remove the values
    # where y ~= 1 where the data is known to not decay...
    imax = np.where(y < YTHRESH)[0][0]

    # take log of this truncated x and y
    _x = np.log(x[:imax])
    _y = np.log(y[:imax])

    # use linear regression on the log-log data:
    out = linregress(_x, _y)

    # map slope/intercept to scale, exponent
    afit = -out.slope
    bfit = np.exp(out.intercept/afit)

    print(""" === Fit Example {i:3d}
          a  expected {a:4f}, got {afit:4f}
          b  expected {b:4f}, got {bfit:4f}
          """.format(i=i+1, a=a, b=b, afit=afit, bfit=bfit))

Hopefully that's enough to get you going.

like image 36
M Newville Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09

M Newville