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Does Xcode generate Assembly code for a Swift File?

In fact, I am aware of that running:

xcrun -sdk macosx swiftc -O -emit-assembly SwiftFile.swift -o result

on terminal should generate "result" file which contains assembly code for "SwiftFile.swift" file.

Also, there are tools such as Hopper to do such a task, furthermore, it can generate Pseudo-code to let it more easy to read.

However, is there a way to do it directly from Xcode? if there is, how to do it?

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Ahmad F Avatar asked Aug 27 '17 09:08

Ahmad F

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To create a new Swift package, open Xcode and select File > New > Swift Package. Choose a name and select a file location. Select “Create Git repository on my Mac” to put your package under version control. On completion, the Swift package opens in Xcode and looks similar to a standard Xcode project.

1 Answers

Go to your targets, click Build Phases. Add a Run Script by clicking the plus in the upper left corner. In text area add the code

xcrun -sdk macosx swiftc -O -emit-assembly Folder/SwiftFile.swift -o result.asm

This will generate an assembly file every time you build for that target. You can also create a new target if you don't want it to generate assembly every time.

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ntoonio Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 11:09
