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Does up casting in Java hide the subclass methods and fields?




On the program I'm writing I have a class RestrictedUser and class User that is derived from RestrictedUser. I'm trying to hide the User specific methods by casting to RestrictedUser but when I do the casting the User methods are still available. Also when I run the debugger the type of the variable comes up as User.

RestrictedUser restricted = regularUser;

Does up casting in Java hide the subclass methods and fields or am I doing something wrong? Is there a workaround?


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tatsuhirosatou Avatar asked Apr 03 '09 04:04


People also ask

What is up casting in Java?

Upcasting (Generalization or Widening) is casting to a parent type in simple words casting individual type to one common type is called upcasting while downcasting (specialization or narrowing) is casting to a child type or casting common type to individual type.

What is the advantage of Upcasting in Java?

Upcasting gives us the flexibility to access the parent class members but it is not possible to access all the child class members using this feature. Instead of all the members, we can access some specified members of the child class. For instance, we can access the overridden methods.

What is auto up casting and explicit down casting?

An object of sub class type can be automatically casted to super class type. This is called auto-up casting. An object of super class type should be explicitly casted to sub class type, It is called explicit down casting.

Can a superclass object be cast to subclass?

As it was said before, you can't cast from superclass to subclass unless your object was instantiated from the subclass in the first place.

2 Answers

If you were to attempt to run this code:

User user = new User(...);
RestrictedUser restricted = user;
restricted.methodDefinedInTheUserClass(); // <--

you would get a compilation error. That won't be secure in any way, shape, or form, because even if you were to pass around the RestrictedUser to, say, another method, that method could do this:

if (restricted instanceof User) {
    User realUser = (User)restricted;
    realUser.methodDefinedInTheUserClass(); // !!

and your "restricted" user isn't so restricted anymore.

The object is showing up in the debugger as a User object because it is as User object, even if the object reference is stored in a RestrictedUser variable. Basically, putting an instance of a child class in a variable with a parent class's type will indeed "hide" the subclass's methods and fields, but not securely.

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John Calsbeek Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 23:10

John Calsbeek

I'm not sure exactly what you are asking as the terminology you are using is a little unclear but here goes. If you have a superclass and a subclass you can hide the methods in the superclass from the subclass by making them private. If you need public methods on the superclass to be invisible you are out of luck. If you cast the subclass to the superclass then the public methods on the subclass are no longer visible.

One suggestion that might help you would be to use composition rather than inheritance, extract the sensitive methods into a separate class and then insert an appropriate instance of that class into the object as needed. You can delegate methods from the class to the injected class if you need to.

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Peter Kelley Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 01:10

Peter Kelley