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Does SessionAuthentication work in Tastypie for HTTP POST?

I am able to do GET to work with SessionAuthentication and Tastypie without setting any headers except for content-type to application/json. HTTP POST however just fails even though the Cookie in the Header has the session id. It fails with a 401 AuthorizationHeader but it has nothing to do with Authorization. Changing SessionAuthentication to BasicAuthentication and passing username/password works too.

Has anyone ever got SessionAuthentication to work with POST with Tastypie?

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Pratik Mandrekar Avatar asked Mar 13 '13 14:03

Pratik Mandrekar

2 Answers

Yes I have gotten it to work. All you need to do is to pass the csfr token:


This authentication scheme uses the built-in Django sessions to check if a user is logged. This is typically useful when used by Javascript on the same site as the API is hosted on.

It requires that the user has logged in & has an active session. They also must have a valid CSRF token.

This is how you do that in jQuery:

// sending a csrftoken with every ajax request
function csrfSafeMethod(method) {
    // these HTTP methods do not require CSRF protection
    return (/^(GET|HEAD|OPTIONS|TRACE)$/.test(method));
    crossDomain: false, // obviates need for sameOrigin test
    beforeSend: function(xhr, settings) {
        if (!csrfSafeMethod(settings.type)) {
            xhr.setRequestHeader("X-CSRFToken", $.cookie('csrftoken'));

    type: "POST",
    // ...

Notice the part that says $.cookie('csrftoken'). It gets the csrf token from a cookie that Django sets.


I had some problems with Django not setting the cookie on Firefox and Opera. Putting the template tag {% csrf_token %} in your template solves this. The right solution would probably be to use the decorator ensure_csrf_cookie().

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dan-klasson Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 03:11


Here are some additions to Dan's answer. Please, correct me if something is wrong, I am still a bit confused about it myself.

Before we continue, read about CSRF protection in Django. Read it carefully. You need to put the token from the cookie into the header X-CSRFToken. This will not work if the cookie is Httponly, that is, if you have set CSRF-COOKIE-HTTPONLY = True in settings.py. Then you have to embed the cookie in the document which, of course, creates further vulnerabilities and reduces protection the gained by using Httponly.

As far as I can tell, if the cookie is not Httponly, jQuery sets X-CSRFToken automatically. Correct me if I am wrong, but I've just spent several hours playing with it, and this is what I am consistently getting. This makes me wonder, what is the point of the advice in Django documentation? Is it a new feature in jQuery?

Further discussion:

Tastypie disables CSRF protection except with Session Authentication, where it has custom code in authentication.py. You have to pass both the cookie csrftoken cookie and the header X-CSRFToken for the authentication to work. (This is Tastypie's requirement.) Assuming same domain, the browser will pass the cookies. JQuery will pass the header for you unless the csrftoken cookie is Httponly. Conversely, if the cookie is Httponly, I was unable to even manually set the header in $.ajaxSetup{beforeSend.... It appears that jQuery automatically sets X-CSRFToken to null if the csrftoken cookie is Httponly. At least I was able to set the header X-CS_RFToken to what I wanted, so I know I passed the value correctly. I am using jQuery 1.10.

If you are using curl for testing, you have to pass two cookies (sessionid and csrftoken), set the headers X-CSRFToken and, if the protocol is HTTPS, also set the Referrer.

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Sergey Orshanskiy Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 04:11

Sergey Orshanskiy