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python .format() repeated fields?

I know in python3, you can do something like:

>>> '{0} {1} {0}'.format(13, 42)
'13 42 13'

So you're using the same argument multiple times. I'd like to do the opposite. I have a sequence of numbers. I'd like to somehow print them using a single format specifier, but I don't see a way to indicate to the format syntax that a given identifier should consume the next N arguments. I can use a reduce

>>> reduce(lambda out,x: out + '{:02X}'.format(x), b'\x60\x0d\x1a\xdd', '')

But I was hoping for a single format invocation, as I had some other characters I wanted to place around my otherwise formatted sequence.

like image 668
Travis Griggs Avatar asked Jan 05 '13 05:01

Travis Griggs

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1 Answers

What about just something like this:

list = [13, 14, 42, 43]
out = ''.join([ '{0}'.format(x) for x in list ])

like image 142
derks Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 15:11
