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Does rspec have anything more specific than target.should be < 6?




http://cheat.errtheblog.com/s/rspec/ has for inequalities (such as less than or greater than)

target.should be < 6 

Has anything better been created since the cheat sheet was created?

like image 235
Andrew Grimm Avatar asked Jul 26 '11 11:07

Andrew Grimm

2 Answers

In RSpec's new expectation syntax, you would express it as:

expect(target).to be < 6 
like image 51
Charles Worthington Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 20:09

Charles Worthington

This is still the accepted way to handle this test. It's best to use >, <, and == in my opinion for numerical comparisons -- it's clearer.

like image 24
mrb_bk Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 20:09
