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Can I use `else if` over `elsif`?



  1. Is it safe to use else if over elsif?
  2. Is it better to use elsif because it follows Ruby's typing convention?
  3. Or is this a preference?

This is a piece of code taken from a book. I added extra end keywords and swapped elsif keywords with else ifs.

def describe(inhabitant)
  if inhabitant == "sophie"
    puts 'gender: female'
    puts 'height: 145'
  else if inhabitant == "paul"
    puts 'gender: male'
    puts 'height: 145'
  else if inhabitant == "dawn"
    puts 'gender: female'
    puts 'height: 170'
  else if inhabitant == "brian"
    puts 'gender: male'
    puts 'height: 180'
  else if 
    puts 'species: Trachemys scripta elegans'
    puts 'height: 6'

This made me realize how ugly else if is.

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PrimRock Avatar asked Aug 06 '15 15:08


People also ask

How many else ifs can I use?

You can have as many else if statements as necessary. In the case of many else if statements, the switch statement might be preferred for readability. As an example of multiple else if statements, we can create a grading app that will output a letter grade based on a score out of 100.

Does else if check all conditions?

A condition still returns a Boolean output. An “else if” block leads to a further level of nesting. In case the “if” condition is false, then the “else if” condition is evaluated in a sequential manner till a match is found. In case all conditions fail, then the action defined in the “else” clause is executed.

Can you use else if multiple times?

Answer 514a8bea4a9e0e2522000cf1You can use multiple else if but each of them must have opening and closing curly braces {} . You can replace if with switch statement which is simpler but only for comparing same variable.

When Should else if () be used?

Use an if/else statement if the two conditions are mutually exclusive meaning if one condition is true the other condition must be false.

3 Answers

You can use else if and it's safe. However note that this means extra end keywords are needed.

if n == 1
  puts "foo"
elsif n == 2
  puts "bar"

is logically the same as:

if n == 1
  puts "foo"
else if n == 2
       puts "bar"

or the equivalent:

if n == 1
  puts "foo"
  if n == 2
    puts "bar"
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Yu Hao Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 08:10

Yu Hao

TL;DR - Replacing elsif with else if is alright for a conditional with only 2 paths. Remember to close the second if conditional created with else if. It is best practice to have as few levels of conditionals as you can, making for a less-complex method. So err on the side of caution and use elsif.

Depending on how you plan to write your method, else if may work. It is not a good habit to get into, however.

Take the following example. There are only 2 conditions. The second condition looks similar to elsif, but is interpreted as the second chunk of code:

# What you may want to write
if true
  puts 'true'
else if false
  puts 'false'

# How Ruby requires it
if true
  puts 'true'
  if false  # You may also do: puts 'false' if false
    puts 'false'

The first block will search for another end to close the primary conditional. Take note, you can bypass the extra end with a single line if statement. (I only suggest this if the executed code can be written on a single line.)

It is important to note that once you declare an else, you may have no other conditionals in the same tier as that else. Given the second example above, the second if is nested under the else. If you were to call else or elsif on the same tier as the initial else, the conditional will fail.

Here is when you would not want to implement else if:

def describe(inhabitant)
  if inhabitant == "sophie"
    puts 'gender: female'
    puts 'height: 145'
  elsif inhabitant == "paul"
    puts 'gender: male'
    puts 'height: 145'
  elsif inhabitant == "dawn"
    puts 'gender: female'
    puts 'height: 170'
  elsif inhabitant == "brian"
    puts 'gender: male'
    puts 'height: 180'
    puts 'species: Trachemys scripta elegans'
    puts 'height: 6'

Notice that neither of the elsif statements can be "converted" to else if in a clean way.

UPDATE: Thanks to Stefan, you can still use else if, leading to a very nested method.


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onebree Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 09:10


I would prefer elsif over else if. But that is just my opinion and technically there is no difference.

But I would suggest to use a case block instead of multiple elsif your example:

def describe(inhabitant)
  case inhabitant
  when "sophie"
    puts 'gender: female'
    puts 'height: 145'
  when "paul"
    puts 'gender: male'
    puts 'height: 145'
  when "dawn"
    puts 'gender: female'
    puts 'height: 170'
  when "brian"
    puts 'gender: male'
    puts 'height: 180'
    puts 'species: Trachemys scripta elegans'
    puts 'height: 6'

Or I would store that mapping in a hash:

  'sophie' => { :gender => :female, :height => 145 },
  'paul'   => { :gender => :male,   :height => 145 },
  # ...

def describe(inhabitant)
  description = PEOPLE.fetch(
    inhabitant, { :species => 'Trachemys scripta elegans', :height => 6 }

  puts "gender: #{description[:gender]}"    if description[:gender]
  puts "species: #{description[:species]}"  if description[:species]
  puts "height: #{description[:height]}"
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spickermann Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 08:10
