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Does PyPy work with Py2Exe?

Does PyPy work with Py2Exe? If it doesn't, are there any similar solutions?

like image 988
Varriount Avatar asked Dec 05 '10 19:12


People also ask

Which is better py2exe or Pyinstaller?

In PyInstaller it is easy to create one exe, By default both create a bunch of exes & dlls. In py2exe its easier to embed manifest file in exe, useful for run as administrator mode in windows vista and beyond. Pyinstaller is modular and has a feature of hooks to include files in the build that you like.

Does PyPy support Python 3?

PyPy only supports one version of Python 2 and Python 3, which are PyPy 2.7 and PyPy 3.6. If the code that is executed in PyPy is pure Python, then the speed offered by PyPy is usually noticeable. But if the code contains C extensions, such as NumPy, then PyPy might actually increase the time.

Is PyPy a JIT?

Whereas CPython compiles Python to intermediate bytecode that is then interpreted by a virtual machine, PyPy uses just-in-time (JIT) compilation to translate Python code into machine-native assembly language.

Does py2exe work on Linux?

py2exe doesn't support on Linux or Mac, as it's aimed to create .exe files which is a Windows-unique format. You can download a Windows virtual machine on both Mac and Linux, use Wine or use a different tool like Pyinstaller on Linux, or py2app on Mac.

2 Answers

The answer is no (would be possible to get it running, but hard)

like image 71
fijal Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 06:10


I'm pretty sure the answer is "no". py2exe appears to depend on CPython's C API, which I'm pretty sure PyPy doesn't support. (That is, I can't see why PyPy would support the CPython API, nor did I see any mention it in any of the obvious places on their website...)

like image 28
SamB Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 08:10
