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Does Objective-C support traits/mixins?

Are there any techniques for emulating traits or mixins in Objective-C?

In Scala, for example, I can do something like this:

trait ControllerWithData {
  def loadData = ...
  def reloadData = ...
  def elementAtIndex = ...

trait ControllerWithStandardToolbar {
  def buildToolbar = ...
  def showToolbar = ...
  def hideToolbar = ...

class MyTableController extends ControllerWithData 
                        with ControllerWithStandardToolbar {
  def loadView = {


It's basically a way to combine (or mix in) multiple pieces of functionality into a single class. So right now I have kind of an all-purpose UIViewController that all of my controllers subclass from, but it would be neater if I could break that down and have specific controllers inherit specific behavior.

like image 964
Bill Avatar asked Apr 08 '11 21:04


People also ask

What is the difference between a trait and a mixin?

Traits are compile-time external values (rather than code generated from an external source). The difference is subtle. Mixins add logic, Traits add data such as compile-time type information.

What is traits in Swift?

A trait also has the actual method bodies. In other words, a trait adds code to an interface. This is the new thing that Swift 2.0 lets us do today with protocol extensions. A mixin is like a trait but it also has state.

1 Answers

There's no direct language support, but you could accomplish something similar with message forwarding. Let's say you have trait classes "Foo" and "Bar", which define methods "-doFoo" and "-doBar", respectively. You could define your class to have traits, like this:

@interface MyClassWithTraits : NSObject {
    NSMutableArray *traits;
@property (retain) NSMutableArray* traits;

-(void) addTrait:(NSObject*)traitObject;

@implementation MyClassWithTraits
@synthesize traits;

-(id)init {
    if (self = [super init]) {
        self.traits = [NSMutableArray array];
    return self;

-(void) addTrait:(NSObject*)traitObject {
    [self.traits addObject:traitObject];

/*  Here's the meat - we can use message forwarding to re-send any messages
    that are unknown to MyClassWithTraits, if one of its trait objects does
    respond to it.
-(NSMethodSignature*)methodSignatureForSelector:(SEL)aSelector {
    // If this is a selector we handle ourself, let super handle this
    if ([self respondsToSelector:aSelector])
        return [super methodSignatureForSelector:aSelector];

    // Look for a trait that handles it
        for (NSObject *trait in self.traits)
            if ([trait respondsToSelector:aSelector])
                return [trait methodSignatureForSelector:aSelector];

    // Nothing was found
    return nil;

-(void) forwardInvocation:(NSInvocation*)anInvocation {
    for (NSObject *trait in self.traits) {
        if ([trait respondsToSelector:[anInvocation selector]]) {
            [anInvocation invokeWithTarget:trait];

    // Nothing was found, so throw an exception
    [self doesNotRecognizeSelector:[anInvocation selector]];

Now, you can create instances of MyClassWithTraits, and add whatever "trait" objects you'd like:

MyClassWithTraits *widget = [[MyClassWithTraits alloc] init];
[widget addTrait:[[[Foo alloc] init] autorelease]];
[widget addTrait:[[[Bar alloc] init] autorelease]];

You could make these calls to -addTrait: in MyClassWithTraits' -init method, if you want every instance of that class to have the same kind of traits. Or, you could do it like I've done here, which allows you to assign a different set of traits to each instance.

And then you can call -doFoo and -doBar as if they were implemented by widget, even though the messages are being forwarded to one of its trait objects:

[widget doFoo];
[widget doBar];

(Edit: Added error handling.)

like image 98
Sherm Pendley Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 02:10

Sherm Pendley