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Does Objective-C support class variables?

I know it supports automatic variables, but what about class variables?

like image 315
Voloda2 Avatar asked Jun 25 '12 10:06


People also ask

How do you declare a class in Objective-C?

Unlike other C-based languages, Objective-C uses “@” for declarative statements. You always declare a new class with @interface, followed by your custom class name, followed by a colon and ended with the name of your class' superclass. Finally, we'll see @end on line 13.

Are Objective-C classes types?

Objective-C Classes Are also Objects In Objective-C, a class is itself an object with an opaque type called Class . Classes can't have properties defined using the declaration syntax shown earlier for instances, but they can receive messages.

How do you declare an instance variable in Objective-C?

Objective-C is more like C/C++ than Java. Java is relatively unique in that it doesn't have separate declaration and implementation files but puts everything in one file. In Objective-C you declare the instance fields in the @interface section of your . h file.

What does @() mean in Objective-C?

It's Shorthand writing. In Objective-C, any character , numeric or boolean literal prefixed with the '@' character will evaluate to a pointer to an NSNumber object (In this case), initialized with that value. C's type suffixes may be used to control the size of numeric literals.

2 Answers

The language does not support class variables. You implement class-specific state with global static variables in the compilation units of the implementation.

In the header (.h file):

@interface MyClass : NSObject

In the implementation (.m file):

static int val = 123;

@implementation MyClass
+(int)val {return val;}


if ([MyClass val] > 100) ...
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Sergey Kalinichenko Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 12:10

Sergey Kalinichenko

ObjC class variables are plain old static variables.


static int foo = 0;

Alternatively, you can use a C++ anonymous namespace if you use ObjC++:


namespace {
    int foo = 0;

But there is another pattern if you want to benefit from the advantages of properties:


@interface FooShared

@property ( atomic, readwrite, strong ) Foo* foo;


@interface Foo

+ (FooShared*) shared;



@implementation FooShared

static fooShared* = nil;

@implementation Foo

+ (FooShared*) shared
    if ( fooShared == nil ) fooShared = [FooShared new];

    return fooShared;



Foo* foo …;
foo.shared.foo = …;

It may look a bit overkill, but it's a interesting solution. You use the same constructs and language features for both instance properties and "class" properties. Atomicity on demand, accessors when needed, debugging, breakpoints... Inheritance even.

Creative minds can find other ways to do all this I suppose. :) But you're pretty much covered with these options.

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fabrice truillot de chambrier Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 10:10

fabrice truillot de chambrier