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Does multiple table join slows down mysql




My simple question is : Does multiple table join slows down mysql performance?

I have a data set where I need to do about 6 tables JOIN, on properly indexed columns.

I read the threads like

Join slows down sql MySQL adding join slows down whole query MySQL multiple table join query performance issue

But the question remains still as it is.

Can someone who experienced this thing reply?

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Bella Clinton Avatar asked Mar 06 '15 16:03

Bella Clinton

People also ask

When joining multiple tables is slow what do you do?

Try Flattened Tables, if you need to JOIN more than two tables. With Flattened Tables you can create wide tables that combine several fact and/or dimension table columns that your queries require. These tables can dramatically speed up query execution.

Are table joins slow?

Joins can be slower than avoiding them through de-normalisation but if used correctly (joining on columns with appropriate indexes an so on) they are not inherently slow.

Do joins affect performance?

Basically, join order DOES matter because if we can join two tables that will reduce the number of rows needed to be processed by subsequent steps, then our performance will improve.

1 Answers

MySQL, by default, uses the Block Nested-Loop join algorithm for joins.

SELECT t1.*, t2.col1
FROM table1 t1
LEFT JOIN table2 t2
  ON t2.id = t1.id

In effect, yields the same performance as a subquery like the following:

SELECT t1.*, (SELECT col1 FROM table2 t2 WHERE t2.id = t1.id)
FROM table1 t1

Indexes are obviously important to satisfy the WHERE clause in the subquery, and are used in the same fashion for join operations.

The performance of a join, assuming proper indexes, amounts to the number of lookups that MySQL must perform. The more lookups, the longer it takes.

Hence, the more rows involved, the slower the join. Joins with small result sets (few rows) are fast and considered normal usage. Keep your result sets small and use proper indexes, and you'll be fine. Don't avoid the join.

Of course, sorting results from multiple tables can be a bit more complicated for MySQL, and any time you join text or blob columns MySQL requires a temporary table, and there are numerous other details.

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Marcus Adams Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 20:09

Marcus Adams