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Does installing MySQL with homebrew include the Workbench and GUI (is it preferred to install native)?


Does installing MySQL with homebrew include MySQL workbench and GUI as if you were to run the Native installer (to be able to start and stop services)? I am trying to decide whether it is better to install using homebrew or with native.

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Rolando Avatar asked Jan 19 '14 17:01


People also ask

Does MySQL installer include workbench?

For more information on choosing a package, see Section 2.3. 2, “Choosing an Installation Package”. A MySQL Installer distribution includes MySQL Server and additional MySQL products including MySQL Workbench, and MySQL for Visual Studio.

Is MySQL Workbench necessary?

MySQL Workbench is a unified software used to add functionality and ease to SQL development work. MySQL Workbench provides data modeling, SQL development, and various administration tools for configuration. It also offers a graphical interface to work with the databases in a structured way.

Can I install MySQL Workbench without MySQL server?

General Requirements MySQL server: Although it is not required, MySQL Workbench is designed to have either a remote or local MySQL server connection. For additional information about connecting to a MySQL server, see Chapter 5, Connections in MySQL Workbench.

1 Answers

homebrew mysql does not contain mysqlworkbench. Mysqlworkbench is another recipe that it is not exactly in homebrew but in homebrew cask (manager for GUI installs).

For GUI installs and 'other licence' installs there is a homebrew related package manager called homebrew cask.

You can find the caskroom recipes from homebrew,

$ brew search mysql
mysql ✔

but for install them you need to install cask.

brew tap caskroom/cask
brew cask search mysql
brew cask install mysqlworkbench

The workbench is installed in /opt so unless the installer makes an alias to Applications you are not going to find it easily.

NOTE: As of March 2018, the brew installer does make an alias to the Applications folder, so no further action is required.

If you are unable to see it in the Applications folder, you should follow the following:

In my installation the mysqlworkbench was not aliased to /Applications, but in the workbench folder there is a symlink to the Application folder so it is easy to create the link yourself.

$ ll /opt/homebrew-cask/Caskroom/mysqlworkbench/6.3.6
total 224
lrwxr-xr-x  1 pmg  staff      14 31 Jan 11:55 Applications -> /Applications/
drwxr-xr-x  3 pmg  staff     102 10 Dec 14:55 MySQLWorkbench.app
-rw-r--r--@ 1 pmg  staff  107640 10 Dec 14:55 background.tiff

make the alias

cd /opt/homebrew-cask/Caskroom/mysqlworkbench/6.3.6/
ln -s MySQLWorkbench.app Applications

You can run the application now from Apps

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Pablo Marin-Garcia Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 06:10

Pablo Marin-Garcia