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Does Haskell support object oriented programming



Does it support concepts like separation of declaration and implementation (interfaces and classes in Java)?

How about restricting access (like access modifiers in Java)?

like image 308
strider Avatar asked Mar 24 '11 03:03


People also ask

Are there classes in Haskell?

Haskell classes are roughly similar to a Java interface. Like an interface declaration, a Haskell class declaration defines a protocol for using an object rather than defining an object itself.

Which of the following language is related to object-oriented paradigm?

Java, Python, C++, Lisp, and Perl are all examples of popular object-oriented programming languages. They support programming using the classes and objects paradigm.

What is a Typeclass in Haskell?

Type Classes are a language mechanism in Haskell designed to support general overloading in a principled way. They address each of the concerns raised above. They provide concise types to describe overloaded functions, so there is no expo- nential blow-up in the number of versions of an overloaded function.

What is EQ Haskell?

The Eq class defines equality ( == ) and inequality ( /= ). All the basic datatypes exported by the Prelude are instances of Eq , and Eq may be derived for any datatype whose constituents are also instances of Eq . The Haskell Report defines no laws for Eq .

1 Answers

How do you separate declaration and implementation in Haskell?

In Haskell you can define a typeclass, which is rather different from an object oriented class so don't let the name fool you. Using the keyword class, you can declare function names and type signatures which can be instantiated (implemented) elsewhere for a particular data type.

For example, the Hashable typeclass defines the hash function, which can turn any instantiated data type into an Int. Have a new, funky data type you want to be able to hash? Fine, make an instance of Hashable. The most common data types are instantiated by the module that defines Hashable (see the linked documentation for 'Instances').

Typeclasses aren't the only way to define an interface. A method that is often under-rated is a plain old data structure. Because Haskell has first class functions, you can define a data structure that has functions as fields:

data ShuttleInterface =   SI { launch    :: Delay -> IO Handle      , deploy    :: Payload -> IO ()      , getStatus :: IO Status      } 

And your functions can build or consume this data structure:

deployAllSensors :: ShuttleInterface -> IO () deployAllSensors shuttle = do     status <- getStatus shuttle     let notDeployed = filter (not . deployed) (sensors status)     when (isOrbiting status) (mapM_ deploySensor notDeployed)  -- we used the well-known Haskell functions: filter, not, , when, mapM_ -- and some supporting functions were assumed: isOrbitting :: Status -> Bool deploySensor :: Sensor -> IO () sensors :: Status -> [Sensor] deployed :: Sensor -> Bool 

How do you restrict access to data in Haskell?

To provide abstraction, Haskell uses Algebraic Data Types. To protect fields developers declare a data type but don't export it's constructors - instead they only export a set of safe primitives that maintain desired invariants.

For example, the Map module provides a balanced tree. It couldn't guarantee balance if anyone could just declare a Map using the primitives of Branch and Leaf, so the makers didn't export those. Construction of a map must rely on what is exported from Data.Map (and those have access to/use the constructors by virtue of being in the same module) such as fromList, empty, singleton, and a whole bunch of modifiers.

like image 85
Thomas M. DuBuisson Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09

Thomas M. DuBuisson