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Does Gradle support properties interpolation?



I can't find the syntax of property interpolation in gradle.properties:

prop1 = value
prop2 =${prop1}/lib

Is it supported at all ? Thanks

like image 773
Alexander.Furer Avatar asked May 25 '14 07:05


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What is Gradle properties for?

Last Updated on April 3, 2022. Gradle project properties provide an easy way to customise builds which may need to run differently in certain situations. In this article you'll learn the most effective ways to use and set properties, along with some common scenarios you might come across in your Gradle project.

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1 Answers

gradle.properties is a plain Java properties files, hence String interpolation isn't supported. I recommend to keep all user-defined properties in build.gradle or a separate build script, which provide a much richer configuration language. For example:


ext {
    foo = "foo"
    foobar = "${foo}bar".toUpperCase()


apply from: "gradle/properties.gradle"

println foobar
like image 109
Peter Niederwieser Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 17:09

Peter Niederwieser