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Does Express.js support sending unbuffered progressively flushed responses?

Perl's Catalyst framework permitts you to send an progressively flushed response over an open connection. You could for instance use write_fh() on Catalyst::Response. I've begun using Node.js, and I can't find how to do the equivalent.

If I want to send a big CSV file, on the order of 200 megs is there a way to do that without buffering the whole CSV file in memory? Granted, the client will timeout if you don't send data in a certain amount of time, so a promise would be nice if -- but is there anyway to do this?

When I try to do a res.send(text) in a callback, I get

500 Error: This socket has been ended by the other party

And, it doesn't seem that Express.js supports an explicit socket.close() or anything of the ilk.

Here is an example,

exports.foo = function (res) {                          
  var query = client.query("SELECT * FROM naics.codes");
  query.on('row', function(row) {                       
    res.write("GOT A ROW");                             
  query.on('end', function() {                          

I would expect for that to send "GOT A ROW" out for each row, until the call to client.end() signifying completion.

like image 661
NO WAR WITH RUSSIA Avatar asked Sep 17 '13 18:09


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Which method sends response data in Express?

append() Methods. The . send() method on the res object forwards any data passed as an argument to the client-side. The method can take a string, array, and an object as an argument.

What is ExpressJS and what does it allow us to do?

Express is a node js web application framework that provides broad features for building web and mobile applications. It is used to build a single page, multipage, and hybrid web application. It's a layer built on the top of the Node js that helps manage servers and routes.

1 Answers

Express is built on the native HTTP module, which means res is an instance of http.ServerResponse, which inherits from the writable stream interface. That said, you can do this:

app.get('/', function(req, res) {
  var stream = fs.createReadStream('./file.csv');

  // or use event handlers
  stream.on('data', function(data) {

  stream.on('end', function() {

The reason you can't use the res.send() method in Express for streams is because it will use res.close() automatically for you.

like image 174
hexacyanide Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 07:10
