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Exact list of Node core modules



I am looking for a way to get an exact up-to-date list of all Node.js core modules. Is there an NPM module that supplies such a running list? Somewhere in the annals of my life I had an answer to this question written down, but I don't remember it nor do I remember how good a solution it was.

like image 794
Alexander Mills Avatar asked Mar 06 '16 07:03

Alexander Mills

People also ask

How many types of node modules are there?

Node.js has two module systems: CommonJS modules and ECMAScript modules.

Where can I find node modules?

On Unix systems they are normally placed in /usr/local/lib/node or /usr/local/lib/node_modules when installed globally. If you set the NODE_PATH environment variable to this path, the modules can be found by node. Non-global libraries are installed the node_modules sub folder in the folder you are currently in.

How many Nodejs packages are there?

Over 1.3 million packages are available in the main NPM registry.

1 Answers

If you don't mind accessing underscore-prefixed properties, repl exports a _builtinLibs array:

$ node -pe "require('repl')._builtinLibs"
[ 'assert',
  'zlib' ]

That list isn't as "complete" as the list provided by the builtin-modules module in that it does not include undocumented and similar modules.

like image 122
mscdex Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 22:10
