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Does CakePHP automatically deal with mass assignment vulnerabilities when saving modified data?


After receiving more information from DCoder, the phrase I was searching for here is a "mass assignment vulnerability." That is to say, taking advantage of the convenience of methods that would save all valid fields to the database, regardless of their presence on the initial form (making them vulnerable to manipulated POST data containing more [possibly more critical] fields than the intended ones).

The two common responses are then appropriately named whitelisting and blacklisting; whitelisting fields intended for modification, or blacklisting fields that should not be modified.

My question then follows: does CakePHP automatically whitelist only those fields in the submitting form, or is it necessary for me (and other Cake fans) to be careful that we are whitelisting or blacklisting appropriately?

Original Question:

Cake offers a lot of great ways to generate forms and handle them nearly automatically. As I was thinking about security, I got to wondering: is Cake aware of what fields existed in a form submitted, or will it simply accept any valid field? Take the following senario if I'm not making sense (and someone is welcome to edit my question to be better worded if they can think of a better way to express it):

Let's say I allow my users to edit their profile. I create a form which has fields for username, e-mail, and password, under the action edit.

A clever user wants to come in and change their is_admin field from false to true, so they use an app like firebug to submit custom post data to the edit action, which includes the field is_admin set to true.

The question is, would Cake realize on it's own that is_admin was not in the original form, or do I need to be careful to explicitly specify the only fields which fields a given action can modify? Is there an easier way?

Thank you!


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xtraorange Avatar asked May 05 '12 03:05


1 Answers

You have to load the SecurityComponent in your controller(s) and CakePHP will prevent form tampering for you, see http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/core-libraries/components/security-component.html#form-tampering-prevention

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dhofstet Avatar answered Nov 25 '22 01:11
