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Does C# include finite state machines?

People also ask

Does hep C go away?

It is highly curable ... Direct-acting antiviral medications — given over a 12-week period — actually can cure early acute hepatitis C better than 90% of the time.

What does hep C pain feel like?

Many chronic HCV sufferers also complain of getting aches and pains. Large numbers get sharp pains over the liver (found in the upper right corner of the abdomen) which can sometimes be very alarming. These pains are not necessarily connected with severe liver disease.

How long can you have hep C without knowing?

Acute symptoms Many people with acute hepatitis C have no symptoms, so you may not feel at all sick after contracting the virus. When acute symptoms appear, they usually show up between 2 and 12 weeks after exposure to the virus. These symptoms, which can range from mild to severe, might include: fever.

How long does hep C take to show up?

The hepatitis C (HCV) window period is usually 4–10 weeks from the time of exposure. After 6 months , most people will have developed enough antibodies for an HCV test to detect. In rare cases, however, antibodies can take up to 9 months to develop.

.NET 4 Update 1 now supports it in the following class: System.Activities.Statements.StateMachine

Here is a tutorial on how to use it. Here's a hands on lab.

Workflow Foundation (.NET 3.0) has a state machine workflow. 4.0 doesn't have exactly the same thing currently, but you can definitely create a state machine workflow using 4.0.

I maintain an open-source project which implements (among other things) a generic finite state machine for .NET. It is built on top of QuickGraph, so you get many graph-analysis algorithms for free.

See this page for more information about the project, and specifically "Jolt.Automata : Finite State Machines" for more information about the feature.

Check out Stateless -> http://code.google.com/p/stateless/. Its a lightweight alternative to the heavier WWF.

Here's a couple of articles by the author of the tool:

State Machines in Domain Models

Parameterised Triggers and Re-entrant States in Stateless

The things that come near to FSMs are workflows in .NET 3.5, however, also workflows are not exactly FSMs.

The power of using FSMs is that you can create them explicitly in your code, having less chance of creating bugs. Besides, of course some systems are FSMs by nature, so it is more natural to code them like so.

Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) that is part of the base class library in 3.0 and 3.5 includes a state-machine workflow design to manage state machines for your applications.

They have completely rewritten workflow for the upcoming 4.0 release, and the new WF 4.0 classes do not natively support state-machines, but all of the 3.0/3.5 classes are still fully supported under 4.0.