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Does Async.StartChild have a memory leak?

When I run the following test (built with F#2.0) I get OutOfMemoryException. It takes about 5 min to reach exception on my system (i7-920 6gb ram if it was running as x86 process), but in any case we can see how memory is growing in task manager.

module start_child_test
    open System
    open System.Diagnostics
    open System.Threading
    open System.Threading.Tasks

    let cnt = ref 0
    let sw = Stopwatch.StartNew()
        while true do
            let! x = Async.StartChild(async{
                if (Interlocked.Increment(cnt) % 100000) = 0 then
                    if sw.ElapsedMilliseconds > 0L then
                        printfn "ops per sec = %d" (100000L*1000L / sw.ElapsedMilliseconds)
                        printfn "ops per sec = INF"
            do! x

    printfn "done...."

I don't see nothing wrong with this code, and don't see any reasons for memory growing. I made alternate implementation to make sure my arguments are valid:

module start_child_fix
    open System
    open System.Collections
    open System.Collections.Generic
    open System.Threading
    open System.Threading.Tasks

    type IAsyncCallbacks<'T> = interface
        abstract member OnSuccess: result:'T -> unit
        abstract member OnError: error:Exception -> unit
        abstract member OnCancel: error:OperationCanceledException -> unit

    type internal AsyncResult<'T> = 
        | Succeeded of 'T
        | Failed of Exception
        | Canceled of OperationCanceledException

    type internal AsyncGate<'T> = 
        | Completed of AsyncResult<'T>
        | Subscribed of IAsyncCallbacks<'T>
        | Started
        | Notified

    type Async with
        static member StartChildEx (comp:Async<'TRes>) = async{
            let! ct = Async.CancellationToken

            let gate = ref AsyncGate.Started
            let CompleteWith(result:AsyncResult<'T>, callbacks:IAsyncCallbacks<'T>) =
                if Interlocked.Exchange(gate, Notified) <> Notified then
                    match result with
                        | Succeeded v -> callbacks.OnSuccess(v)
                        | Failed e -> callbacks.OnError(e)
                        | Canceled e -> callbacks.OnCancel(e)

            let ProcessResults (result:AsyncResult<'TRes>) =
                let t = Interlocked.CompareExchange<AsyncGate<'TRes>>(gate, AsyncGate.Completed(result), AsyncGate.Started)
                match t with
                | Subscribed callbacks -> 
                    CompleteWith(result, callbacks)
                | _ -> ()
            let Subscribe (success, error, cancel) = 
                let callbacks = {
                    new IAsyncCallbacks<'TRes> with
                        member this.OnSuccess v = success v
                        member this.OnError e = error e
                        member this.OnCancel e = cancel e
                let t = Interlocked.CompareExchange<AsyncGate<'TRes>>(gate, AsyncGate.Subscribed(callbacks), AsyncGate.Started)
                match t with
                | AsyncGate.Completed result -> 
                    CompleteWith(result, callbacks)
                | _ -> ()

                computation = comp,
                continuation = (fun v -> ProcessResults(AsyncResult.Succeeded(v))),
                exceptionContinuation = (fun e -> ProcessResults(AsyncResult.Failed(e))),
                cancellationContinuation = (fun e -> ProcessResults(AsyncResult.Canceled(e))),
                cancellationToken = ct
            return Async.FromContinuations( fun (success, error, cancel) ->
                Subscribe(success, error, cancel)

For this test it works well without any considerably memory consumption. Unfortunately I'm not much experienced in F# and have doubts if I miss some things. In case if it is bug how can I report it to F# team?

like image 652
andrey.ko Avatar asked Jan 28 '12 13:01


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Memory leaks are sneakily bad creatures. It’s easy to ignore them for a very long time, while they slowly destroy the application. With memory leaks, your memory consumption grows, creating GC pressure and performance problems. Finally, the program will just crash on an out-of-memory exception.

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With memory leaks, your memory consumption grows, creating GC pressure and performance problems. Finally, the program will just crash on an out-of-memory exception. In this article, we will go over the most common reasons for memory leaks in .NET programs. All examples are in C#, but they are relevant to other languages.

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1 Answers

I think you're correct - there seems to be a memory leak in the implementation of StartChild.

I did a bit of profiling (following a fantastic tutorial by Dave Thomas) and the open-source F# release and I think I even know how to fix that. If you look at the implementation of StartChild, it registers a handler with the current cancellation token of the workflow:

let _reg = ct.Register(
    (fun _ -> 
        match !ctsRef with
        |   null -> ()
        |   otherwise -> otherwise.Cancel()), null)

The objects that stay alive in the heap are instances of this registered function. They could be unregistered by calling _reg.Dispose(), but that never happens in the F# source code. I tried adding _reg.Dispose() to the functions that get called when the async completes:

(fun res -> _reg.Dispose(); ctsRef := null; resultCell.RegisterResult (Ok res, reuseThread=true))   
(fun err -> _reg.Dispose(); ctsRef := null; resultCell.RegisterResult (Error err,reuseThread=true))   
(fun err -> _reg.Dispose(); ctsRef := null; resultCell.RegisterResult (Canceled err,reuseThread=true))

... and based on my experiments, this fixes the problem. So, if you want a workaround, you can probably copy all the required code from control.fs and add this as a fix.

I'll send a bug report to the F# team with a link to your question. If you find something else, you can contact them by sending bug reports to fsbugs at microsoft dot com.

like image 150
Tomas Petricek Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 12:10

Tomas Petricek